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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2G, 2I and R

AGGIORNAMENTIAGGIORNAMENTO n. (Italian) the modernization of ideas of the Catholic church.
ANGIOGRAPHIESangiographies n. Plural of angiography.
ANGIOGRAPHY n. a technique for X-raying major blood vessels, using dye opaque to X-rays.
ARPEGGIATIONSarpeggiations n. Plural of arpeggiation.
ARPEGGIATION n. the act of arpeggiating.
DISPARAGINGLYdisparagingly adv. Insultingly.
DISPARAGING adv. DISPARAGE, to belittle; to match in marriage with an inferior.
HAGIOGRAPHIEShagiographies n. Plural of hagiography.
HAGIOGRAPHY n. a biography of saints; an idealizing or idolizing biography.
HAGIOGRAPHISThagiographist n. Synonym of hagiographer.
HAGIOGRAPHIST n. one who writes the lives of saints.
INSTAGRAMMINGInstagramming v. Present participle of Instagram.
INSTAGRAM v. to share (a photograph) using the Instagram application.
MARGINALISINGmarginalising v. Present participle of marginalise.
MARGINALISE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALIZE.
MARGINALIZINGmarginalizing v. Present participle of marginalize.
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
MICROMANAGINGmicromanaging v. Present participle of micromanage.
MICROMANAGE v. to manage at a detailed level.
OUTBARGAININGoutbargaining v. Present participle of outbargain.
OUTBARGAIN v. to surpass in bargaining.
RADIOGRAPHINGradiographing v. Present participle of radiograph.
RADIOGRAPH v. to produce a radiograph of.
TRIANGULATINGtriangulating v. Present participle of triangulate.
TRIANGULATE v. to survey, map, or determine by triangulation.
VILLEGGIATURAvilleggiatura n. Country retirement; staying at a place in the country.
VILLEGGIATURA n. (Italian) a stay in the country.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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