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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, F, 2I, L and U

FASCICULATIONfasciculation n. (Anatomy, muscles) (toxicology, venoms) An involuntary muscle twitch, usually localised and temporary…
fasciculation n. A cluster of fascicules.
FASCICULATION n. muscular twitching involving the simultaneous contraction of contiguous groups of muscle fibers.
FAUNISTICALLYfaunistically adv. In terms of the distribution of animals.
FAUNISTIC adv. relating to fauna.
FEUDALISATIONfeudalisation n. (British spelling) Alternative form of feudalization.
FEUDALISATION n. the act of feudalising, also FEUDALIZATION.
FEUDALIZATIONfeudalization n. The introduction of a feudal system.
FEUDALIZATION n. the act of feudalizing, also FEUDALISATION.
FUTILITARIANSfutilitarians n. Plural of futilitarian.
FUTILITARIAN n. one who believes that human striving is futile.
GALLIMAUFRIESgallimaufries n. Plural of gallimaufry.
GALLIMAUFRY n. (French) a hash of liver and other organs; a hotchpotch.
QUADRIFOLIATEquadrifoliate adj. (Botany) Having four leaves or leaflets.
QUADRIFOLIATE adj. having four leaves.
QUALIFICATIONqualification n. The act or process of qualifying for a position, achievement etc.
qualification n. An ability or attribute that aids someone’s chances of qualifying for something; specifically, completed…
qualification n. (UK) A certificate, diploma, or degree awarded after successful completion of a course, training, or exam.
QUALIFICATIVEqualificative n. That which qualifies, modifies, or restricts; a qualifying term or statement.
QUALIFICATIVE adj. serving to qualify.
QUALIFICATIVE n. something serving to qualify.
QUALIFICATORSqualificators n. Plural of qualificator.
QUALIFICATOR n. one who prepares ecclesiastical cases for trial.
QUALIFICATORYqualificatory adj. That serves as qualification.
QUALIFICATORY adj. of the nature of a qualification.
SULFADIAZINESsulfadiazines n. Plural of sulfadiazine.
SULFADIAZINE n. a sulfa drug used esp. in the treatment of toxoplasmosis.
SULFANILAMIDEsulfanilamide n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of amino substituted aromatic sulfonamides that are used as antifungal…
SULFANILAMIDE n. a crystalline sulfonamide that is the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs.
ULTRAFAMILIARultrafamiliar adj. Extremely familiar; particularly familiar.
ULTRAFAMILIAR adj. extremely familiar.
UNFALSIFIABLEunfalsifiable adj. (Of a statement or argument) Not able to be proven false, but not necessarily true.
unfalsifiable n. A statement or argument that cannot be proven false, but is not necessarily true.
UNFALSIFIABLE adj. not capable of being proved false.
UNFAMILIARITYunfamiliarity n. Lack of familiarity; ignorance or inexperience.
UNFAMILIARITY n. the state of being unfamiliar.
UNQUALIFIABLEunqualifiable adj. Not qualifiable.
UNQUALIFIABLE adj. not qualifiable.
UNSATISFIABLEunsatisfiable adj. Not satisfiable. Unable to be satisfied.
UNSATISFIABLE adj. not satisfiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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