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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, E, I, L, Q and S

AQUACEUTICALSAQUACEUTICAL n. a method of delivering food supplements.
CARNIVALESQUEcarnivalesque adj. Resembling or characteristic of a carnival.
CARNIVALESQUE adj. characteristic of or appropriate to a carnival.
EQUALISATIONSequalisations n. Plural of equalisation.
EQUALISATION n. the act of equalising, also EQUALIZATION.
EQUALITARIANSequalitarians n. Plural of equalitarian.
EQUALITARIAN n. an egalitarian.
EQUALIZATIONSequalizations n. Plural of equalization.
EQUALIZATION n. the act of equalising, also EQUALISATION.
HARLEQUINADESharlequinades n. Plural of harlequinade.
HARLEQUINADE n. (French) part of a pantomime in which a harlequin plays a chief part.
ILLAQUEATIONSillaqueations n. Plural of illaqueation.
ILLAQUEATION n. the act of ensnaring.
MADRIGALESQUEmadrigalesque adj. (Music) Reminiscent of a madrigal.
MADRIGALESQUE adj. somewhat in the style of a madrigal.
QUADRAGESIMALquadragesimal adj. That lasts forty days.
quadragesimal adj. Belonging to Lent; used in Lent; Lenten.
quadragesimal adj. (Mathematics) Of, related to, or based on the number forty.
QUADRAPLEGIASQUADRAPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRIPLEGIA, TETRAPLEGIA.
QUADRAPLEGICSQUADRAPLEGIC n. one suffering from quadriplegia, paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRIPLEGIC.
QUADRIPLEGIASquadriplegias n. Plural of quadriplegia.
QUADRIPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also TETRAPLEGIA.
QUADRIVALENTSquadrivalents n. Plural of quadrivalent.
QUADRIVALENT n. a quadrivalent chromosomal group.
QUARTERFINALSquarterfinals n. Plural of quarterfinal.
quarter-finals n. Plural of quarter-final.
quarter␣finals n. Plural of quarter final.
QUASIPARTICLEquasiparticle n. (Physics) Any entity that has some characteristics of a distinct particle, but comprises a grouping…
QUASIPARTICLE n. a composite entity (as a vibration in a solid) that is analogous in its behavior to a single particle.
SESQUIALTERASsesquialteras n. Plural of sesquialtera.
SESQUIALTERA n. a perfect fifth; three notes against two; an organ stop giving the root, the twelfth and the tierce.
SUBEQUATORIALsubequatorial adj. (Geography) Belonging to a region adjacent to an equatorial area.
SUBEQUATORIAL adj. below the equator.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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