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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, D, I, 2M and T

ACARIDOMATIUMACARIDOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARODOMATIUM.
ACARODOMATIUMacarodomatium n. (Botany) A pit with tufted trichomes in leaf vein axils and occupied by predatory and mycophagous mites.
ACARODOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARIDOMATIUM.
ACCOMMODATINGaccommodating adj. Affording, or disposed to afford, accommodation; obliging; helpful.
accommodating adj. Pliable; easily corrupted.
accommodating v. Present participle of accommodate.
ACCOMMODATIONaccommodation n. (Chiefly Britain, usually a mass noun) Lodging in a dwelling or similar living quarters afforded to…
accommodation n. (Physical) Adaptation or adjustment.
accommodation n. (Personal) Adaptation or adjustment.
ACCOMMODATIVEaccommodative adj. Supplying with or obliging; accommodating.
ACCOMMODATIVE adj. relating to accomodation.
DARMSTADTIUMSDARMSTADTIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive element.
DIAMAGNETISMSdiamagnetisms n. Plural of diamagnetism.
DIAMAGNETISM n. the form of magnetism possessed by diamagnetic bodies.
GRAMMATICISEDgrammaticised v. Simple past tense and past participle of grammaticise.
GRAMMATICISE v. to make grammatical, also GRAMMATICIZE.
GRAMMATICIZEDgrammaticized v. Simple past tense and past participle of grammaticize.
GRAMMATICIZE v. to make grammatical, also GRAMMATICISE.
IDEOGRAMMATICideogrammatic adj. Of or pertaining to ideograms.
IDEOGRAMMATIC adj. of or like an ideogram, also IDEOGRAMIC, IDEOGRAMMIC.
MALADMINISTERmaladminister v. To administer wrongly or badly.
MALADMINISTER v. to administer wrongly.
MEDICAMENTARYmedicamentary adj. Of or relating to medicament; medicinal.
MEDICAMENTARY adj. relating to medicaments, also MEDICAMENTAL.
MELODRAMATICSmelodramatics n. Overemotional, exaggerated behavior calculated for effect.
MELODRAMATICS n. melodramatic conduct or writing.
MELODRAMATISEmelodramatise v. Alternative spelling of melodramatize.
MELODRAMATISE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATIZE.
MELODRAMATISTmelodramatist n. A writer of melodramas.
melodramatist n. An actor in melodramas.
melodramatist n. A melodramatic person.
MELODRAMATIZEmelodramatize v. (Transitive) To make melodramatic.
MELODRAMATIZE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATISE.
MISDEMEANANTSmisdemeanants n. Plural of misdemeanant.
MISDEMEANANT n. a person guilty of misdemeanour.
SEMIAUTOMATEDsemiautomated v. Simple past tense and past participle of semiautomate.
semiautomated adj. Partly automated.
SEMIAUTOMATED adj. partially automated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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