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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, L, R and 2U

ACCULTURATINGacculturating v. Present participle of acculturate.
ACCULTURATE v. to undergo acculturation.
ACCULTURATIONacculturation n. A process by which the culture of an isolated society changes on contact with a different one.
acculturation n. A process by which a person acquires the culture of the society that they inhabit, starting at birth.
ACCULTURATION n. the assimilation, through continuous contact, of features (such as customs, beliefs, etc.) of another culture.
ACCULTURATIVEacculturative adj. That which produces acculturation.
ACCULTURATIVE adj. relating to acculturation, also ACCULTURATIONAL.
AQUACULTURISTaquaculturist n. (Agriculture) A person involved in aquaculture.
AQUACULTURIST n. one who practises aquaculture.
CRASSULACEOUScrassulaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Crassulaceae of succulents, principally herbaceous.
CRASSULACEOUS adj. belonging to the Crassulaceae, a family of succulent plants including the stonecrops and house leeks.
INTRAMUSCULARintramuscular adj. Inside a muscle or the muscles.
INTRAMUSCULAR adj. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entering a muscle.
NEUROVASCULARneurovascular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to both nerves and blood vessels.
NEUROVASCULAR adj. relating to or affecting both nerves and blood vessels.
NUTRACEUTICALnutraceutical n. A nutrient or food believed to have curative properties. A food used as a drug.
NUTRACEUTICAL n. a food with (or believed to have) medicinal properties.
QUADRILOCULARquadrilocular adj. Having four cells or compartments.
QUADRILOCULAR adj. having four compartments.
QUADRUPLICATEquadruplicate adj. Having four parts.
quadruplicate adj. Four times over, multiplied by four.
quadruplicate n. In quadruplicate: four times over, in four copies.
SUBCLAVICULARsubclavicular adj. Beneath the clavicle.
SUBCLAVICULAR adj. situated below the clavicle.
SUSTENTACULARsustentacular adj. (Anatomy) Serving to support or sustain.
SUSTENTACULAR adj. supporting or maintaining.
TRANSCULTURALtranscultural adj. (Sociology, anthropology) Extending through more than one human culture.
transcultural adj. Not culturally specific.
TRANSCULTURAL adj. involving, encompassing, or extending across two or more cultures.
TUBERCULOMATAtuberculomata n. Plural of tuberculoma.
TUBERCULOMA n. a slow-growing, circumscribed tuberculous lesion.
ULTRACAUTIOUSultracautious adj. Extremely cautious.
ULTRACAUTIOUS adj. extremely cautious.
UNARTICULATEDunarticulated adj. Not articulated.
UNARTICULATED adj. not articulated.
UNPURCHASABLEunpurchasable adj. That cannot be purchased.
UNPURCHASABLE adj. that cannot be purchased, also UNPURCHASEABLE.
UNSPECTACULARunspectacular adj. Not spectacular.
UNSPECTACULAR adj. not spectacular.
VIBRACULARIUMvibracularium n. Synonym of vibraculum.
VIBRACULARIUM n. a long bristle, a modified zooid, in some Polyzoa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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