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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, I, L and 2M

ACADEMICALISMacademicalism n. Alternative form of academicism.
ACADEMICALISM n. close adherence to formal academic teaching.
ANEMOMETRICALanemometrical adj. Alternative form of anemometric.
ANEMOMETRICAL adj. relating to anemometry, also ANEMOMETRIC.
ANIMALCULISMSANIMALCULISM n. the former biological theory that the spermatozoon contains all future generations in germ.
BICAMERALISMSbicameralisms n. Plural of bicameralism.
BICAMERALISM n. the state of being bicameral, having two chambers.
CLAMJAMPHRIESclamjamphries n. Plural of clamjamphrie.
CLAMJAMPHRIE n. (Scots) rubbish, nonsense, also CLAMJAMFRY, CLANJAMFRAY.
GRAMMATICALLYgrammatically adv. In a grammatical manner.
grammatically adv. Concerning grammar.
GRAMMATICAL adv. belonging to, or according to the rules of, grammar, also GRAMMATIC.
LIPOGRAMMATIClipogrammatic adj. Omitting a letter; composed of words not having a certain letter or letters.
LIPOGRAMMATIC adj. of or like a lipogram, a piece of writing that avoids one or more letters of the alphabet.
LOGOGRAMMATIClogogrammatic adj. Of or pertaining to logograms; logographic.
LOGOGRAMMATIC adj. relating to a logogram.
MACROCLIMATESmacroclimates n. Plural of macroclimate.
MACROCLIMATE n. large-scale climate.
MACROCLIMATICmacroclimatic adj. Relating to macroclimate.
MACROCLIMATIC adj. relating to climate on a large scale.
MECAMYLAMINESMECAMYLAMINE n. a drug used orally as a ganglionic blocking agent to effect a rapid lowering of severely elevated blood pressure.
MECHANICALISMMECHANICALISM n. the belief that phenomena are determined by physical forces.
MEGALOMANIACSmegalomaniacs n. Plural of megalomaniac.
MEGALOMANIAC n. one suffering from megalomania.
MELODRAMATICSmelodramatics n. Overemotional, exaggerated behavior calculated for effect.
MELODRAMATICS n. melodramatic conduct or writing.
METAMERICALLYmetamerically adv. In a metameric manner.
METAMERIC adv. relating to a metamere, a serial division or segmentation of a body, also METAMERAL.
MULTICAMERATEmulticamerate adj. Multichambered.
MULTICAMERATE adj. having many chambers or cells.
SYMPTOMATICALsymptomatical adj. Symptomatic.
SYMPTOMATICAL adj. relating to or displaying symptom, also SYMPTOMATIC.
TELEGRAMMATICtelegrammatic adj. Having the form of a telegram; especially, brief and concise, using clipped syntax.
TELEGRAMMATIC adj. like a telegram.
UNGRAMMATICALungrammatical adj. (Linguistics) In violation of one or more of the rules and conventions of a language as defined by the…
UNGRAMMATICAL adj. not following rules of grammar, also UNGRAMMATIC.
UNICAMERALISMunicameralism n. (Government) The principle and practice of having a legislative body consisting of a single chamber.
UNICAMERALISM n. the state of being unicameral, having, or consisting of, a single chamber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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