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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, G, I, S and Y

ABYSSOPELAGICabyssopelagic adj. Of or pertaining to the depths of the ocean; of the open waters of the abyssal zone.
ABYSSOPELAGIC adj. pertaining to the deepest regions of the ocean.
AGONISTICALLYagonistically adv. In an agonistic manner.
AGONISTICAL adv. relating to athletic contest, also AGONISTIC.
FASCINATINGLYfascinatingly adv. In a fascinating manner.
FASCINATING adv. intriguing.
GYMNASTICALLYgymnastically adv. In a gymnastic manner.
GYMNASTICAL adv. related to gymnastics.
GYNAECOMASTIAgynaecomastia n. Alternative form of gynecomastia.
gynæcomastia n. Obsolete typography of gynaecomastia.
GYNAECOMASTIA n. the abnormal enlargement of a man's breast, also GYNAECOMASTY, GYNECOMASTIA.
GYNECOMASTIASgynecomastias n. Plural of gynecomastia.
GYNECOMASTIA n. excessive development of the breast in the male, also GYNAECOMASTIA, GYNAECOMASTY.
IMAGISTICALLYimagistically adv. In an imagistic manner.
IMAGISTIC adv. relating to imagism, the artistic doctrine of the use of precise images with unrestricted subject matter.
NOSTALGICALLYnostalgically adv. In a nostalgic manner.
NOSTALGIC adv. missing the past.
ORGIASTICALLYorgiastically adv. In an orgiastic fashion.
ORGIASTIC adv. relating to orgies, also ORGIC.
SACCHARIFYINGsaccharifying v. Present participle of saccharify.
SACCHARIFY v. to convert into, or to impregnate with, sugar.
STIGMATICALLYstigmatically adv. With a stigma, or mark of infamy or deformity.
STIGMATICAL adv. stigmatic.
STRATEGICALLYstrategically adv. In a strategic manner.
STRATEGICAL adv. relating to strategy, also STRATEGIC.
SYLLABICATINGsyllabicating v. Present participle of syllabicate.
SYLLABICATE v. to syllabify.
SYNALLAGMATICsynallagmatic adj. (Law) Imposing reciprocal obligations upon the parties; bilateral.
SYNALLAGMATIC adj. mutually or reciprocally obligatory; bilateral.
TACHYGRAPHISTtachygraphist n. A writer in tachygraphy, or shorthand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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