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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, D, L and 2N

CALENDARISINGcalendarising v. Present participle of calendarise.
CALENDARISE v. in accounting, to divide (something, e.g. a budget) into equal units of time within a year (usually months), also CALENDARIZE.
CALENDARIZINGcalendarizing v. Present participle of calendarize.
CALENDARIZE v. in accounting, to divide (something, e.g. a budget) into equal units of time within a year (usually months), also CALENDARISE.
CLINODIAGONALclinodiagonal n. (Crystallography) That diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which makes an oblique angle…
clinodiagonal adj. Pertaining to, or in the direction of, such a diagonal.
CLINODIAGONAL n. in a monoclinic crystal, that lateral axis which is not perpendicular to the vertical axis.
DECLINATIONALdeclinational adj. Relating to declination.
DECLINATIONAL adj. relating to declination.
NONACCIDENTALnonaccidental adj. Not accidental.
NONACCIDENTAL adj. not accidental.
NONDETACHABLEnondetachable adj. Not capable of being detached.
non-detachable adj. Alternative form of nondetachable.
NONDETACHABLE adj. not detachable.
PANDEMONIACALpandemoniacal adj. Relating to, resembling, or characteristic of, a pandemonium.
PANDEMONIACAL adj. pertaining to pandemonium, general tumult, also PANDEMONIAC, PANDEMONIAN, PANDEMONIC.
PANDICULATIONpandiculation n. A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy or on waking…
PANDICULATION n. a stretching out when drowsy or when waking.
RELANDSCAPINGrelandscaping v. Present participle of relandscape.
RELANDSCAPE v. to landscape again.
SCANDALMONGERscandalmonger n. A person who trades in gossip; one who collects and disseminates rumors.
SCANDALMONGER n. one who spreads scandal.
UNDERCLASSMANunderclassman n. (US) The opposite of an upperclassman; a freshman or sophomore.
UNDERCLASSMAN n. a member of the freshman or sophomore class in a school or college.
VACATIONLANDSvacationlands n. Plural of vacationland.
VACATIONLAND n. an area with recreational attractions and facilities for vacationers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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