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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, C, 2D, E and I

ADMINICULATEDadminiculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of adminiculate.
ADMINICULATE v. to support by corroboratory evidence.
CANDIDATESHIPcandidateship n. Candidacy.
CANDIDATESHIP n. the office of candidate.
DEARTICULATEDdearticulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of dearticulate.
DEARTICULATE v. to disjoint.
DECAFFEINATEDdecaffeinated adj. From which caffeine has been removed (e.g. decaffeinated coffee).
DECAFFEINATE v. to remove caffeine from.
DECAPITALISEDdecapitalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of decapitalise.
DECAPITALISE v. to remove capital from, also DECAPITALIZE.
DECAPITALIZEDdecapitalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of decapitalize.
DECAPITALIZE v. to remove capital from, also DECAPITALISE.
DEXTROCARDIACdextrocardiac n. One who has the heart on the right-hand side of the body.
DEXTROCARDIAC n. a person who has dextrocardia, a condition in which the heart is on the right-hand side of the chest.
DEXTROCARDIASdextrocardias n. Plural of dextrocardia.
DEXTROCARDIA n. a condition in which the heart is on the right-hand side of the chest.
DISACCHARIDESdisaccharides n. Plural of disaccharide.
DISACCHARIDE n. any sugar that consists of two monosaccharide residues linked together.
DISASSOCIATEDdisassociated v. Simple past tense and past participle of disassociate.
DISASSOCIATE v. to separate from association or union with another, also DISSOCIATE.
NONCANDIDATESnoncandidates n. Plural of noncandidate.
NONCANDIDATE n. a person who is not a candidate.
UNADJUDICATEDunadjudicated adj. Not adjudicated.
UNADJUDICATED adj. not adjudicated.
UNMACADAMISEDunmacadamised adj. Alternative form of unmacadamized.
UNMACADAMISED adj. not macadamised, also UNMACADAMIZED.
UNMACADAMIZEDunmacadamized adj. Not macadamized.
UNMACADAMIZED adj. not macadamized, also UNMACADAMISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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