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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, N and 2S

ACCESSARINESSaccessariness n. The state of being accessary.
ACCESSARINESS n. the state of being accessary.
ACCOMPANYISTSaccompanyists n. Plural of accompanyist.
ACCOMPANYIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANIST.
ALKALESCENCESalkalescences n. Plural of alkalescence.
ALKALESCENCE n. the state of being alkalescent, also ALKALESCENCY.
ANTICLASSICALanticlassical adj. (Art) Opposing or rejecting what is classical.
ANTICLASSICAL adj. opposed to the classical.
BANCASSURANCEbancassurance n. (Insurance) A banking and insurance structure in which insurance is sold through the bank or the bank’s…
BANCASSURANCE n. the provision of financial services spanning both banking and insurance.
CALYCANTHUSEScalycanthuses n. Plural of calycanthus.
CALYCANTHUS n. the Carolina allspice or strawberry shrub, a North American shrub.
CAPACIOUSNESScapaciousness n. The quality of being capacious.
CAPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being capacious.
CLASSICALNESSclassicalness n. The quality of being classical.
CLASSICAL n. resembling or in the style of the authors of Greece and Rome or the old masters in music.
COMPLAISANCEScomplaisances n. Plural of complaisance.
COMPLAISANCE n. wishing to please or tending to comply with the wishes of others.
COSURFACTANTScosurfactants n. Plural of cosurfactant.
COSURFACTANT n. something that works in combination with a surfactant.
CYTOCHALASINScytochalasins n. Plural of cytochalasin.
CYTOCHALASIN n. any of a group of metabolites isolated from fungi that inhibit various cell processes.
OCCASIONALISMoccasionalism n. (Philosophy, uncountable) A metaphysical doctrine that holds that all events are occasioned (caused) by God.
occasionalism n. (Linguistics, countable) A nonce word.
OCCASIONALISM n. the Cartesian explanation of the apparent interaction of mind and matter by the direct intervention of God on the occasion of certain changes occurring in one or the other.
OCCASIONALISToccasionalist n. A proponent of occasionalism.
OCCASIONALIST n. a believer in occasionalism.
PRACTICALNESSpracticalness n. The quality of being practical; practicality.
PRACTICALNESS n. the state of being practical.
SACROSANCTITYsacrosanctity n. The quality of being sacrosanct.
SACROSANCTITY n. the state of being sacrosanct.
SAFECRACKINGSsafecrackings n. Plural of safecracking.
SAFECRACKING n. the act of breaking open a safe.
SYNTACTICIANSsyntacticians n. Plural of syntactician.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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