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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2A, B, C, D, I and T

ADIABATICALLYadiabatically adv. (Sciences) In an adiabatic way.
ADIABATIC adv. without transference of heat.
ANTIDIABETICSantidiabetics n. Plural of antidiabetic.
ANTIDIABETIC n. a drug which acts against diabetes.
BACKWARDATIONbackwardation n. In full normal backwardation: the situation in a futures market where the price for future delivery…
backwardation n. The situation in a stock market where the offer price for stock is lower than the bid price.
backwardation n. (Obsolete) In the London Stock Exchange: a fee paid by a seller on settlement day either to the buyer…
BACTERIOCIDALbacteriocidal adj. Alternative form of bactericidal.
BROADCASTINGSbroadcastings n. Plural of broadcasting.
BROADCASTING n. sending out, dissemination.
CHATEAUBRIANDchateaubriand n. A thick, juicy cut from the center of a beef tenderloin.
châteaubriand n. Alternative spelling of chateaubriand.
CHATEAUBRIAND n. a large tenderloin steak usually grilled or broiled and served with a sauce.
CONTRABANDISMcontrabandism n. Traffic in contraband goods; smuggling.
CONTRABANDISM n. trading in contraband goods.
CONTRABANDISTcontrabandist n. A dealer in contraband.
CONTRABANDIST n. a smuggler.
DECARBONATINGdecarbonating v. Present participle of decarbonate.
DECARBONATE v. to remove carbon dioxide or carbonic acid from.
DECARBONATIONdecarbonation n. The removal of carbon.
DECARBONATION n. the act of decarbonating.
DECARBURATIONDECARBURATION n. the act of decarburizing.
DETACHABILITYdetachability n. The quality or degree of being detachable.
DETACHABILITY n. the state of being detachable.
DIBRANCHIATESdibranchiates n. Plural of dibranchiate.
DIBRANCHIATE n. any of a certain subclass of cephalopods.
EDUCATABILITYeducatability n. The state or condition of being educatable.
EDUCATABILITY n. the quality of being educatable.
MATCHBOARDINGmatchboarding n. A type of softwood panelling formerly used for walls and ceilings.
MATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.
PARTICLEBOARDparticleboard n. Alternative spelling of particle board.
particle-board n. Alternative spelling of particle board.
particle␣board n. (US, Canada) a structural material manufactured from wood particles (such as chips and shavings) by…
PREFABRICATEDprefabricated adj. Manufactured in advance, usually to a standard format, and then assembled on site.
prefabricated adj. Invented in advance.
prefabricated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prefabricate.
SUBDIACONATESsubdiaconates n. Plural of subdiaconate.
SUBDIACONATE n. the office of subdeacon.
THIOCARBAMIDEthiocarbamide n. (Organic chemistry) thiourea.
THIOCARBAMIDE n. another name for thiourea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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