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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, I, P, R and Y

ANAPHORICALLYanaphorically adv. In an anaphoric manner.
ANAPHORICAL adv. referring to a preceding word or group of words, also ANAPHORAL, ANAPHORIC.
HYPONATRAEMIAhyponatraemia n. Alternative spelling of hyponatremia.
hyponatræmia n. Alternative form of hyponatraemia.
HYPONATRAEMIA n. deficiency of sodium in the blood.
PANORAMICALLYpanoramically adv. In a panoramic way.
PANORAMIC adv. relating to a panorama, a wide or complete view.
PARABOLICALLYparabolically adv. In the form of a parabola.
parabolically adv. By means of a parable.
PARABOLICAL adv. of or like a parabola, also PARABOLIC.
PARADOXICALLYparadoxically adv. In a paradoxical manner; so as to create a paradox.
PARADOXICAL adv. of the nature of a paradox, also PARADOXAL.
PARAGOGICALLYparagogically adv. In a paragogic manner.
PARAGOGICAL adv. relating to a paragoge, the addition of a sound to the end of a word, also PARAGOGIC.
PARALYSATIONSparalysations n. Plural of paralysation.
PARALYSATION n. the act of paralysing, also PARALYZATION.
PARALYTICALLYparalytically adv. In a paralytic manner.
PARALYTIC adv. suffering from paralysis.
PARALYZATIONSparalyzations n. Plural of paralyzation.
PARALYZATION n. the act of paralyzing, also PARALYSATION.
PARANORMALITYparanormality n. The quality of being paranormal.
PARANORMALITY n. the state of being paranormal.
PARAPOPHYSIALparapophysial adj. Relating to the parapophysis.
PARAPOPHYSIAL adj. of or like a parapophysis, a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
PARAPSYCHICALparapsychical adj. Parapsychic.
PARAPSYCHICAL adj. related to parapsychism, also PARAPSYCHIC.
PARASEXUALITYparasexuality n. (Biology) A phenomenon, involving a complex form of mitosis, whereby two cell nuclei merge without any…
PARASEXUALITY n. the state of being parasexual.
PARASITICALLYparasitically adv. In a parasitic manner.
PARASITICAL adv. of or like a parasite, also PARASITIC.
PARLIAMENTARYparliamentary adj. Of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament.
parliamentary adj. Having the supreme executive and legislative power resting with a cabinet of ministers chosen from…
parliamentary adj. (Britain, historical, railways) Of a class of train which, by an act of parliament, ran both ways along…
PATRIARCHALLYpatriarchally adv. In a patriarchal manner.
PATRIARCHAL adv. of, relating to, or being a patriarch or patriarchy.
PHARISAICALLYpharisaically adv. (Chiefly Christianity) In a pharisaical manner.
PHARISAICAL adv. characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony, also PHARISAIC.
PRAGMATICALLYpragmatically adv. In a pragmatic manner.
pragmatically adv. In terms of pragmatics.
PRAGMATICAL adv. dealing with facts and actual occurrences; practical, also PRAGMATIC.
TACHYPHRASIASTACHYPHRASIA n. abnormally rapid or voluble speech, also TACHYPHASIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 88 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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