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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, 2I, M and O

ACARIDOMATIUMACARIDOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARODOMATIUM.
ACCLIMATATIONacclimatation n. (Rare) Acclimatization.
ACCLIMATATION n. acclimatization.
AMINOACIDURIAaminoaciduria n. (Medicine) The presence of amino acids in the urine.
AMINOACIDURIA n. a condition in which one or more amino acids are excreted in excessive amounts.
ANATOMIZATIONanatomization n. A process or act of anatomizing.
ANATOMIZATION n. the process of anatomizing, also ANATOMISATION.
ANIMALIZATIONanimalization n. The act of animalizing; the giving of animal life, or endowing with animal properties.
animalization n. Conversion into animal matter by the process of assimilation.
ANIMALIZATION n. the process of animalizing, also ANIMALISATION.
ANOMALISTICALanomalistical adj. Alternative form of anomalistic.
ARITHMOMANIASarithmomanias n. Plural of arithmomania.
ARITHMOMANIA n. an obsession with numbers, esp. compulsion to count things.
AROMATISATIONaromatisation n. Alternative spelling of aromatization.
AROMATISATION n. the act of aromatising, also AROMATIZATION.
AROMATIZATIONaromatization n. (Petrochemistry) The conversion of aliphatic components of petroleum into aromatic compounds as part…
aromatization n. (Biochemistry) The enzymatic conversion of androgen hormones into estrogens by aromatase.
AROMATIZATION n. the act of aromatizing, also AROMATISATION.
AXIOMATICALLYaxiomatically adv. By the use of axioms; in the form of an axiom.
AXIOMATICAL adv. indisputably true, self-evident, also AXIOMATIC.
DIPSOMANIACALdipsomaniacal adj. Pertaining to or suffering from dipsomania.
DIPSOMANIACAL adj. relating to dipsomania.
DRAMATISATIONdramatisation n. (British spelling) alternative spelling of dramatization.
DRAMATISATION n. the act of dramatising, also DRAMATIZATION.
DRAMATIZATIONdramatization n. The act of dramatizing.
dramatization n. A version that has been dramatized.
DRAMATIZATION n. the act of dramatizing, also DRAMATISATION.
EXAMINATIONALexaminational adj. Relating to an examination.
EXAMINATIONAL adj. relating to examination.
GIGANTOMACHIAGIGANTOMACHIA n. a war of giants, esp. against the gods, also GIGANTOMACHY.
IMAGINATIONALimaginational adj. Pertaining to, involving, or caused by imagination.
IMAGINATIONAL adj. relating to the imagination.
MAJORITARIANSmajoritarians n. Plural of majoritarian.
MAJORITARIAN n. a person who believes in or advocates majoritarianism.
MAXILLOFACIALmaxillofacial adj. Of or relating to the jaw and face.
MAXILLOFACIAL adj. of, relating to, or treating the maxilla and the face.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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