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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, H, N and 2T

ANACATHARTICSanacathartics n. Plural of anacathartic.
ANACATHARTIC n. a drug causing vomiting or expectoration.
ANATHEMATICALanathematical adj. Anathematic.
ANATHEMATICAL n. an anathema, a formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
ANATHEMATISEDanathematised v. Simple past tense and past participle of anathematise.
ANATHEMATISE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATIZE.
ANATHEMATISESanathematises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anathematise.
ANATHEMATISE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATIZE.
ANATHEMATIZEDanathematized v. Simple past tense and past participle of anathematize.
ANATHEMATIZE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATISE.
ANATHEMATIZESanathematizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anathematize.
ANATHEMATIZE v. to subject to anathema, pronounce a curse upon, also ANATHEMATISE.
ANTASTHMATICSantasthmatics n. Plural of antasthmatic.
ANTASTHMATIC n. an agent that counteracts asthma, also ANTIASTHMATIC.
ANTHRANILATESanthranilates n. Plural of anthranilate.
ANTHRANILATE n. a salt or ester of anthranilic acid.
ANTIAPARTHEIDantiapartheid adj. Acting against or opposing apartheid.
ANTIAPARTHEID adj. opposed to apartheid.
ANTIASTHMATICantiasthmatic adj. Antasthmatic.
antiasthmatic n. Antasthmatic.
ANTIASTHMATIC n. a drug used to counter asthma, also ANTASTHMATIC.
ANTIHALATIONSANTIHALATION n. the prevention of halation, usually by placing a layer of dye on the back of the film to absorb light which has passed through the emulsion on it.
AUTHORITARIANauthoritarian adj. Of, or relating to, or exhibiting strict obedience to an authority; favoring authoritarianism over civic…
authoritarian adj. Demanding obedience to authority; marked by authoritarianism; dictatorial, tyrannical.
authoritarian adj. Tending to impose one’s demands upon others as if one were an authority.
CANTHAXANTHINcanthaxanthin n. (Organic chemistry) A xanthophyll pigment found in many plants and animals.
CANTHAXANTHIN n. a naturally occurring carotenoid used esp. as a color additive for food, also CANTHAXANTHINE.
EUTHANASIASTSEUTHANASIAST n. a supporter of euthanasia.
MATHEMATICIANmathematician n. An expert on mathematics.
MATHEMATICIAN n. a specialist or expert in mathematics.
PHANTASMALITYphantasmality n. The quality of being phantasmal.
PHANTASMALITY n. the state of being phantasmal.
THANATOGRAPHYthanatography n. An account, usually written, of the death of a person.
THANATOGRAPHY n. the narrative of a death.
THANATOPHOBIAthanatophobia n. Fear of death.
THANATOPHOBIA n. an abnormal fear of death.
THEATROMANIASTHEATROMANIA n. a craze for going to plays.
ULTRAMARATHONultramarathon n. A running race over a distance longer than 42.195 km, the length of a standard marathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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