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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, H, L, P and S

AMPHIBLASTULAamphiblastula n. A larva of some sponges that has equal numbers of both flagellate and nonflagellate cells separated…
AMPHIBLASTULA n. the free-swimming larva of certain sponges, which consists of a hollow spherical mass of cells some of which have flagella.
AMPHISTOMATALAMPHISTOMATAL adj. of a leaf, having stomata on both surfaces, also AMPHISTOMATIC.
ANALPHABETICSanalphabetics n. Plural of analphabetic.
ANALPHABETIC n. one who is unable to read.
ANALPHABETISManalphabetism n. Illiteracy, the inability to read and write.
ANALPHABETISM n. illiteracy.
ANENCEPHALIASANENCEPHALIA n. congenital absence of all or part of the brain, also ANENCEPHALY.
APHRODISIACALaphrodisiacal adj. Of or relating to an aphrodisiac; having aphrodisiac properties.
APHRODISIACAL adj. relating to aphrodisiac.
PARAPHRASABLEparaphrasable adj. Able to be paraphrased.
PARAPHRASABLE adj. capable of being paraphrased.
PARAPOPHYSIALparapophysial adj. Relating to the parapophysis.
PARAPOPHYSIAL adj. of or like a parapophysis, a ventral transverse process of a vertebra.
PARAPSYCHICALparapsychical adj. Parapsychic.
PARAPSYCHICAL adj. related to parapsychism, also PARAPSYCHIC.
PASIGRAPHICALpasigraphical adj. Of or relating to pasigraphy.
PASIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to pasigraphy, a system of universal ideographic writing, also PASIGRAPHIC.
PHALANSTERIANphalansterian n. One who favours the system of phalansteries proposed by Charles Fourier.
PHALANSTERIAN n. a person who supports the idea of phalansterism, the Fourier land system.
PHANTASMALIANphantasmalian adj. (Rare) phantasmal.
PHANTASMALIAN adj. like a phantasm.
PHANTASMALITYphantasmality n. The quality of being phantasmal.
PHANTASMALITY n. the state of being phantasmal.
PHARISAICALLYpharisaically adv. (Chiefly Christianity) In a pharisaical manner.
PHARISAICAL adv. characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony, also PHARISAIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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