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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, E, G and 2N

ANTAGONISABLEantagonisable adj. Alternative form of antagonizable.
ANTAGONISABLE adj. capable of being antagonised, also ANTAGONIZABLE.
ANTAGONIZABLEantagonizable adj. Capable of being antagonized.
ANTAGONIZABLE adj. capable of being antagonised, also ANTAGONISABLE.
CARRAGHEENANSCARRAGHEENAN n. a colloid prepared from red algae, used in food processing, pharmaceuticals, etc., also CARAGEENAN, CARRAGEENAN, CARRAGEENIN, CARRAGHEENIN.
GRANDPARENTALgrandparental adj. Of or relating to a grandparent.
GRANDPARENTAL adj. of or like a grandparent.
INEGALITARIANinegalitarian adj. Opposing equality.
inegalitarian n. One who does not support equality; a subscriber to inegalitarianism.
inégalitarian adj. Rare spelling of inegalitarian.
NEOGRAMMARIANneogrammarian n. Alternative form of Neogrammarian.
Neogrammarian n. (Linguistics) A member of a 19th-century school of German linguists who first advanced the theory of…
Neogrammarian adj. Of or pertaining to the Neogrammarian school.
NONAGENARIANSnonagenarians n. Plural of nonagenarian.
NONAGENARIAN n. a person whose age is in the nineties.
NONMANAGERIALnonmanagerial adj. (Management) Not managerial.
NONMANAGERIAL adj. not managerial.
PARACYANOGENSPARACYANOGEN n. a polymer of cyanogen.
PERMANGANATESpermanganates n. Plural of permanganate.
PERMANGANATE n. a salt of permanganic acid.
SEXAGENARIANSsexagenarians n. Plural of sexagenarian; Individuals in their sixth decade of life.
SEXAGENARIAN n. a person aged between fifty and sixty.
UNGAINSAYABLEungainsayable adj. That cannot be gainsaid; irrefutable.
UNGAINSAYABLE adj. that cannot be gainsaid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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