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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, 2E, R and T

APPERTAINANCEappertainance n. Dated form of appurtenance.
APPERTAINANCE n. (obsolete) an appurtenance.
ASCERTAINABLEascertainable adj. Able to be ascertained.
ASCERTAINABLE adj. capable of being ascertained.
BACCALAUREATEbaccalaureate n. A bachelor’s degree.
baccalaureate n. A high school completion exam and qualification awarded in many countries (e.g. Finland, France, Moldova…
baccalaureate n. (US) A farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class.
CANCELLARIATECANCELLARIATE n. the office of chancellor.
EXTRAVAGANCESextravagances n. Plural of extravagance.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
METACERCARIAEmetacercariae n. Plural of metacercaria.
METACERCARIA n. a parasitic trematode in encysted form.
METACERCARIALmetacercarial adj. Relating to metacercariae.
METACERCARIAL adj. of or like a metacercaria.
METACERCARIASmetacercarias n. Plural of metacercaria.
METACERCARIA n. a parasitic trematode in encysted form.
METAMATERIALSmetamaterials n. Plural of metamaterial.
METAMATERIAL n. any artificial material created from microscopic arrangements of existing elements in a structure which gives the material unconventional properties, esp. when used for cloaking light or sound waves.
METANARRATIVEmetanarrative n. (Critical theory) A narrative which concerns narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge…
METANARRATIVE n. (in postmodernist literary theory) a narrative about a narrative or narratives.
PARAESTHESIASparaesthesias n. Plural of paraesthesia.
PARAESTHESIA n. a tingling sensation on the skin, also PARESTHESIA.
PERMANGANATESpermanganates n. Plural of permanganate.
PERMANGANATE n. a salt of permanganic acid.
TURANGAWAEWAEturangawaewae n. (New Zealand) In Māori culture, one’s own land; a place to live in.
TURANGAWAEWAE n. (Maori) the area that is a person's home.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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