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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, D, E, I and R

ADIATHERMANCYadiathermancy n. (Obsolete) A resistance to the flow of heat.
ADIATHERMANCY n. impermeability to radiant energy.
AERODYNAMICALaerodynamical adj. Synonym of aerodynamic.
AERODYNAMICAL adj. relating to aerodynamics, also AERODYNAMIC.
ANTIAPARTHEIDantiapartheid adj. Acting against or opposing apartheid.
ANTIAPARTHEID adj. opposed to apartheid.
ANTIDIARRHEALantidiarrheal adj. Preventing or treating diarrhea.
antidiarrheal n. A substance or drug having such capabilities.
ANTIDIARRHEAL n. a drug used to counter diarrhea.
CHATEAUBRIANDchateaubriand n. A thick, juicy cut from the center of a beef tenderloin.
châteaubriand n. Alternative spelling of chateaubriand.
CHATEAUBRIAND n. a large tenderloin steak usually grilled or broiled and served with a sauce.
DISAPPEARANCEdisappearance n. The action of disappearing or vanishing.
DISAPPEARANCE n. the act of disappearing.
HAPHAZARDRIEShaphazardries n. Plural of haphazardry.
HAPHAZARDRY n. the quality of being haphazard.
LAMPADEPHORIALAMPADEPHORIA n. a foot race with lighted torches, esp. a relay race in which torch is passed on, also LAMPADEDROMY.
LANDGRAVIATESlandgraviates n. Plural of landgraviate.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
MEGALOCARDIASMEGALOCARDIA n. the condition of having an enlarged heart.
PAEDIATRICIANpaediatrician n. Alternative spelling of pediatrician.
pædiatrician n. Alternative spelling of pediatrician.
PAEDIATRICIAN n. a specialist in children's ailments.
PREADAPTATIONpreadaptation n. (Biology) An adaptation that evolved in an ancestral population, in which it served a different function.
PREADAPTATION n. a character of an organism or taxonomic group that takes on a function when none previously existed or that differs from its existing function which has been derived by evolution.
QUADRAGESIMALquadragesimal adj. That lasts forty days.
quadragesimal adj. Belonging to Lent; used in Lent; Lenten.
quadragesimal adj. (Mathematics) Of, related to, or based on the number forty.
QUADRAPLEGIASQUADRAPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRIPLEGIA, TETRAPLEGIA.
QUADRILATERALquadrilateral n. A polygon with four sides.
quadrilateral n. An area defended by four fortresses supporting each other.
quadrilateral adj. Having four sides.
RADIOACTIVATEradioactivate v. To make something radioactive.
RADIOACTIVATE v. to activate by radio.
READAPTATIONSreadaptations n. Plural of readaptation.
READAPTATION n. the act of readapting.
RHADAMANTHINERhadamanthine adj. Strictly and uncompromisingly just.
Rhadamanthine adj. Inflexibly rigorous or severe.
RHADAMANTHINE adj. strictly and inflexibly honest and just.
SQUANDERMANIAsquandermania n. Excessive expenditure by a government on a supposedly prestigious project.
SQUANDERMANIA n. irrational propensity for spending money wastefully.
TRADESCANTIAStradescantias n. Plural of tradescantia.
TRADESCANTIA n. any plant of the American Tradescantia genus, with attractive, often variegated foliage, aka spiderwort.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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