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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, 2P, 2R, S and U

AFTERSUPPERSAFTERSUPPER n. the time between supper and bedtime.
APPRESSORIUMappressorium n. (Mycology) A bulbous formation produced by parasitic fungi that is well attached to the cuticle of the…
APPRESSORIUM n. the flattened thickened tip of a hyphal branch by which some parasitic fungi attach to and penetrate their host.
IPRATROPIUMSIPRATROPIUM n. a bronchodilator drug used in the treatment of asthma.
PARAMORPHOUSparamorphous adj. (Mineralogy) Relating to, or exhibiting, paramorphism.
PARAMORPHOUS adj. of or like a paramorph.
PARANTHROPUSParanthropus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hominidae – a group of extinct bipedal hominids, the robust australopithecines.
PARANTHROPUS n. an Olduvai anthropoid ape.
PERPETUATORSperpetuators n. Plural of perpetuator.
PERPETUATOR n. one who perpetuates.
POPULARISERSpopularisers n. Plural of populariser.
POPULARISER n. one who popularises, also POPULARIZER.
POPULARIZERSpopularizers n. Plural of popularizer.
POPULARIZER n. one who popularizes, also POPULARISER.
PREPURCHASEDprepurchased v. Simple past tense and past participle of prepurchase.
PREPURCHASE v. to purchase in advance.
PREPURCHASESprepurchases v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prepurchase.
PREPURCHASE v. to purchase in advance.
PROMPTUARIESpromptuaries n. Plural of promptuary.
PROMPTUARY n. a repository; a reference book of facts.
PROSAUROPODSprosauropods n. Plural of prosauropod.
PROSAUROPOD n. a reptile-like dinosaur of the division Prosauropoda which lived in the Triassic period.
PURPLEHEARTSpurplehearts n. Plural of purpleheart.
purple␣hearts n. Plural of purple heart.
Purple␣Hearts n. Plural of Purple Heart.
REPOPULARISErepopularise v. (Britain) To make popular again.
REPOPULARISE v. to popularise again, also REPOPULARIZE.
SUBPARAGRAPHsubparagraph n. Part of a longer paragraph that can be considered alone, as in a legal document.
subparagraph v. To divide a document into subparagraphs.
sub-paragraph n. Alternative spelling of subparagraph.
SUPERPATRIOTsuperpatriot n. One who is extremely patriotic.
SUPERPATRIOT n. an exceptional patriot.
SUPERPLAYERSsuperplayers n. Plural of superplayer.
SUPERPLAYER n. an exceptionally talented player.
SUPERPRAISEDsuperpraised v. Simple past tense and past participle of superpraise.
SUPERPRAISE v. to give very high praise.
SUPERPRAISESsuperpraises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of superpraise.
SUPERPRAISE v. to give very high praise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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