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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, O, P, 3S and U

ASPERSORIUMSaspersoriums n. Plural of aspersorium.
ASPERSORIUM n. a basin for holy water.
CAPTIOUSNESScaptiousness n. The state of being captious.
captiousness n. Captious behaviour.
CAPTIOUSNESS n. the state of being captious.
CASSIOPEIUMSCASSIOPEIUM n. a former name for lutetium.
OESOPHAGUSESoesophaguses n. Plural of oesophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
OPAQUENESSESopaquenesses n. Plural of opaqueness.
OPAQUENESS n. the state of being opaque.
PATULOUSNESSpatulousness n. The quality of being patulous.
PATULOUSNESS n. the state of being patulous.
SAUROPSIDANSsauropsidans n. Plural of sauropsidan.
SAUROPSIDAN n. a member of the Sauropsida, one of the main divisions of Vertebrata including birds and reptiles.
SOUSAPHONISTsousaphonist n. Someone who plays the sousaphone.
SOUSAPHONIST n. one who plays the sousaphone.
SPACIOUSNESSspaciousness n. The state or quality of being spacious.
SPACIOUSNESS n. the state of being spacious.
STAUROSCOPESstauroscopes n. Plural of stauroscope.
STAUROSCOPE n. an instrument for studying the structure of crystals with polarised light.
STRATOPAUSESstratopauses n. Plural of stratopause.
STRATOPAUSE n. the transitional layer between the stratosphere and the mesosphere.
SUPERORGASMSsuperorgasms n. Plural of superorgasm.
SUPERORGASM n. an extreme orgasm.
SUSPENSORIALsuspensorial adj. Relating to a suspensorium.
SUSPENSORIAL adj. of or like the suspensorium.
SUSPIRATIONSsuspirations n. Plural of suspiration.
SUSPIRATION n. the act of sighing, or fetching a long and deep breath.
VAPOROUSNESSvaporousness n. The condition of being vaporous.
VAPOROUSNESS n. the state of being vaporous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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