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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, I, P, R and 3T

INTERPRETATEINTERPRETATE v. (archaic) to interpret.
MULTIPARTITEmultipartite adj. Divided into multiple parts.
multipartite adj. Involving multiple nations; multilateral.
multipartite adj. (Physics) Describing a system of three or more entangled quantum states.
PARTITIONISTpartitionist n. A political partisan who favours geopolitical partitioning.
partitionist n. (Canada, politics) A political partisan who favours the partition of the province of Quebec with the…
PARTITIONIST n. an advocate of political partition.
PORTRAITISTSportraitists n. Plural of portraitist.
PORTRAITIST n. a maker of portraits.
POSTLITERATEpostliterate adj. After the decline of literacy.
POSTLITERATE adj. relating to or occurring after the introduction of the electronic media.
POTENTIATORSpotentiators n. Plural of potentiator.
POTENTIATOR n. one who potentiates.
PROTESTATIONprotestation n. A formal solemn objection or other declaration.
protestation n. (Law, historical) A declaration in common-law pleading, by which the party interposes an oblique allegation…
PROTESTATION n. an avowal or solemn declaration.
REATTEMPTINGreattempting v. Present participle of reattempt.
REATTEMPT v. to attempt again.
TETRAPOLITANtetrapolitan adj. Relating to a tetrapolis, or group of four towns; applied to the Tetrapolitan Confession.
TETRAPOLITAN adj. relating to a tetrapolis, a group of four towns.
THERAPEUTISTtherapeutist n. Someone who studies, works with, or uses therapeutics; a therapist.
THERAPEUTIST n. a person skilled in therapeutics.
TRAINSPOTTERtrainspotter n. A person whose hobby is train spotting.
trainspotter n. (By extension) An obsessive follower of any minority interest or hobby.
train␣spotter n. (Rail transport) a person whose hobby is train spotting.
TRIPARTITELYtripartitely adv. In a tripartite fashion; into three parts.
TRIPARTITE adv. in three parts; between three parties or States.
TRIPARTITIONtripartition n. A division by threes, or into three parts; the taking of a third part of any number or quantity.
tripartition v. (Transitive) To partition into three.
TRIPARTITION n. division into three parts.
TROPHOTACTICTROPHOTACTIC adj. relating to trophotaxis, chemotaxis and chemotropism where the stimulating substance is food.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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