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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing A, I, 3L and 2T

ATHLETICALLYathletically adv. In an athletic manner.
ATHLETIC adv. relating to vigorous physical exercise.
ILLITERATELYilliterately adv. In an illiterate manner.
ILLITERATE adv. having little or no education.
INTELLECTUALintellectual adj. Pertaining to, or performed by, the intellect; mental or cognitive.
intellectual adj. Endowed with intellect; having a keen sense of understanding; having the capacity for higher forms of…
intellectual adj. Suitable for exercising one’s intellect; perceived by the intellect.
LENTICELLATElenticellate adj. (Botany) Producing lenticels; dotted with lenticels.
LENTICELLATE adj. of or like a lenticel, a breathing pore in bark.
MULTILATERALmultilateral adj. Having many sides or points of view.
multilateral adj. (Politics) Involving three or more parties or nations.
multilateral n. (Politics) A group with representatives from three or more parties or nations.
SOLSTITIALLYsolstitially adv. In a solstitial manner; relating to solstices.
SOLSTITIAL adv. of or pertaining to a solstice.
TAGLIATELLEStagliatelles n. Plural of tagliatelle.
TAGLIATELLE n. (Italian) pasta made in narrow strips; an Italian dish consisting largely of this and usually a sauce.
TALETELLINGSTALETELLING n. the act of telling stories; the act of gossiping in an indiscreet manner.
TRILATERALLYtrilaterally adv. In a trilateral way.
TRILATERAL adv. having three sides.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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