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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, 2I, 2O, T and X

AUTOXIDATIONautoxidation n. (Chemistry) A spontaneous oxidation reaction that results in the slow, flameless combustion of a material.
AUTOXIDATION n. oxidation by direct combination with oxygen at ordinary temperatures.
DEOXIDATIONSdeoxidations n. Plural of deoxidation.
DEOXIDATION n. the act of deoxidizing.
DETOXICATIONdetoxication n. (Biochemistry) Any metabolic process by which the toxicity of a material is reduced.
detoxication n. (Medicine) Any treatment of a patient suffering from poisoning that promotes physiological process to…
DETOXICATION n. the act of detoxicating.
EPOXIDATIONSepoxidations n. Plural of epoxidation.
EPOXIDATION n. a conversion of a usually unsaturated compound into an epoxide.
EXCOGITATIONexcogitation n. Careful thought or consideration.
EXCOGITATION n. the act of excogitating.
EXCORIATIONSexcoriations n. Plural of excoriation.
EXCORIATION n. the act of excoriating.
EXFOLIATIONSexfoliations n. Plural of exfoliation.
EXFOLIATION n. the process by which concentric scales, plates, or shells of rock are stripped or spall from the bare surface of a large rock mass.
EXPLOITATIONexploitation n. The act of utilizing something; industry.
exploitation n. The improper use of something for selfish purposes.
exploitation n. The act or result of forcibly depriving someone of something to which they have a natural right.
EXPOSITIONALexpositional adj. Explained in clear terms, as in writing.
expositional adj. Declared information openly.
EXPOSITIONAL adj. relating to exposition.
INTOXICATIONintoxication n. A poisoning, as by a spirituous or a narcotic substance.
intoxication n. The state of being intoxicated or drunk.
intoxication n. The act of intoxicating or making drunk.
INTOXICATORSintoxicators n. Plural of intoxicator.
INTOXICATOR n. one who intoxicates.
OXIDIZATIONSoxidizations n. Plural of oxidization.
OXIDIZATION n. the act of oxidizing, also OXIDISATION.
PEROXIDATIONperoxidation n. (Chemistry) Any oxidation reaction, especially of an oxide, that produces a peroxide.
peroxidation n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of a double bond with a peroxide.
PEROXIDATION n. the creation of a peroxide.
PROXIMATIONSproximations n. Plural of proximation.
PROXIMATION n. immediate nearness in time, place, relationship, etc., also PROXIMITY.
REOXIDATIONSreoxidations n. Plural of reoxidation.
REOXIDATION n. the process of reoxidizing.
TOXICOMANIAStoxicomanias n. Plural of toxicomania.
TOXICOMANIA n. a morbid craving for poisons.
TOXICOPHOBIAtoxicophobia n. A morbid fear of poisons or being poisoned.
TOXICOPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of poisoning, also TOXIPHOBIA.
TOXIPHOBIACSTOXIPHOBIAC n. one who suffers from toxiphobia, fear of poison or being poisoned.
TOXOCARIASIStoxocariasis n. A zoonotic, helminthic infection of humans caused by roundworms of the genus Toxocara.
TOXOCARIASIS n. a disease caused by parasitic worms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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