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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, H, P, R, 2T and U

AUTOTROPHIESautotrophies n. Plural of autotrophy.
AUTOTROPHY n. the state of being an autotroph, an organism that is able to manufacture its own food from inorganic substances.
HYPERTEXTUALhypertextual adj. Of or relating to hypertext.
NATUROPATHICnaturopathic adj. (Alternative medicine) Relating to naturopathy or to naturopaths.
NATUROPATHIC adj. relating to naturopathy.
NEUROPATHISTneuropathist n. (Dated) A neurologist.
NEUROPATHIST n. a specialist in nervous diseases.
PARACHUTISTSparachutists n. Plural of parachutist.
PARACHUTIST n. one that parachutes.
STEPDAUGHTERstepdaughter n. The daughter of one’s spouse and not of oneself.
STEPDAUGHTER n. a daughter of one's wife or husband by a former partner.
STROPHANTHUSstrophanthus n. Any of several African plants of the genus Strophanthus, some of which yield arrow poisons.
Strophanthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Apocynaceae – plants found in Africa and in tropical and subtropical…
STROPHANTHUS n. a plant of the African and Asiatic genus Strophanthus, of the periwinkle family.
SUPERATHLETEsuperathlete n. A very skilled and successful athlete.
SUPERATHLETE n. a very good athlete.
THAUMATROPESthaumatropes n. Plural of thaumatrope.
THAUMATROPE n. an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly.
THERAPEUTICStherapeutics n. (Medicine) The treatment of disease; the science of healing; any therapeutic material or treatment.
THERAPEUTICS n. that part of medicine concerned with the treatment and cure of diseases.
THERAPEUTISTtherapeutist n. Someone who studies, works with, or uses therapeutics; a therapist.
THERAPEUTIST n. a person skilled in therapeutics.
TRACHYPTERUSTRACHYPTERUS n. any member of the dealfish genus Trachypterus.
TRIUMPHALISTtriumphalist adj. Proud of one’s belief or culture, and having a feeling of superiority.
triumphalist n. A triumphalist person.
TRIUMPHALIST n. one who engages in triumphalism.
TRIUMPHANTLYtriumphantly adv. In a triumphant manner.
TRIUMPHANT adv. victorious, conquering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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