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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, H, M, P, R, S and U

AMATEURSHIPSamateurships n. Plural of amateurship.
AMATEURSHIP n. the state of being an amateur.
AMPHITROPOUSamphitropous adj. (Botany) Having the ovule bent so that the ends are near each other.
AMPHITROPOUS adj. of an ovule, with its point of attachment in the middle.
ARCHESPORIUMarchesporium n. (Botany) Any of the cells of the sporangium that give rise to spores.
ARCHESPORIUM n. a primitive cell or group of cells from which a mother cell develops.
AUTOMORPHISMautomorphism n. (Algebra) An isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself.
automorphism n. The ascription to others of one’s own characteristics.
AUTOMORPHISM n. ascription to others of one's own characteristics.
HIPPEASTRUMSHIPPEASTRUM n. any plant of the South American genus Hippeastrum, bulbous, with white or red flowers.
HYPOGASTRIUMhypogastrium n. An area of the human abdomen residing below the umbilicus.
HYPOGASTRIUM n. (Latin) the lower middle abdominal region.
LAGOMORPHOUSlagomorphous adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the lagomorphs.
LAGOMORPHOUS adj. of or like a lagomorph, a gnawing mammal, also LAGOMORPHIC.
MACROPHAGOUSmacrophagous adj. (Zoology) That feeds on relatively large particles or prey.
MACROPHAGOUS adj. of an animal, feeding on relatively large particles of food.
METAMORPHOUSmetamorphous adj. Metamorphic.
METAMORPHOUS adj. of or relating to metamorphosis (especially of rocks).
MICROPHAGOUSmicrophagous adj. (Zoology) Feeding on small particles.
MICROPHAGOUS adj. of an animal, feeding on small particles of food.
PARAMORPHOUSparamorphous adj. (Mineralogy) Relating to, or exhibiting, paramorphism.
PARAMORPHOUS adj. of or like a paramorph.
PNEUMOGRAPHSpneumographs n. Plural of pneumograph.
PNEUMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording respiration.
SUPERHUMANLYsuperhumanly adv. In a superhuman way, or to a superhuman extent.
SUPERHUMAN adv. being above the human.
SUPERHUMERALsuperhumeral n. An imperial decorative collar worn in Byzantium.
superhumeral n. Anything worn upon the shoulders, such as the amice, the pallium, or the ephod.
SUPERHUMERAL n. an ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders.
THAUMATROPESthaumatropes n. Plural of thaumatrope.
THAUMATROPE n. an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly.
TRIUMPHALISMtriumphalism n. The attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, culture, or social system, particularly a religious…
TRIUMPHALISM n. belief in the superiority of one particular religious creed.
TRIUMPHALISTtriumphalist adj. Proud of one’s belief or culture, and having a feeling of superiority.
triumphalist n. A triumphalist person.
TRIUMPHALIST n. one who engages in triumphalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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