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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, H, M, 2N and 2O

AMINOPHENOLSaminophenols n. Plural of aminophenol.
AMINOPHENOL n. any of three isomeric forms that are white soluble crystalline solids, used as a dye and as a photograph developer.
ANTIHORMONESantihormones n. Plural of antihormone.
ENANTIOMORPHenantiomorph n. A mirror image, a form related to another as an object is to its image in a mirror.
enantiomorph n. Either of a pair of crystals that are mirror images of each other, and are optically active.
enantiomorph n. (Chemistry) A similar molecule or compound; an enantiomer.
ENCHONDROMASenchondromas n. Plural of enchondroma.
ENCHONDROMA n. an abnormal cartilaginous growth.
HARMONIPHONEharmoniphone n. A free-reed musical instrument played with a keyboard, in which the sounds are produced by reeds set…
HARMONIPHONE n. a keyboard wind instrument with reeds, also HARMONIPHON.
HARMONIPHONSharmoniphons n. Plural of harmoniphon.
HARMONIPHON n. a keyboard wind instrument with reeds, also HARMONIPHONE.
HOMINISATIONHOMINISATION n. the evolutionary development of human characteristics that differentiate hominids from their primate ancestors, also HOMINIZATION.
HOMINIZATIONhominization n. (Paleontology) The process of becoming like a human.
hominization n. (Theology) The beginning of human life, or of a deity’s life in human form.
HOMINIZATION n. the evolutionary development of human characteristics that differentiate hominids from their primate ancestors, also HOMINISATION.
INHARMONIOUSinharmonious adj. (Music) Not in harmony; discordant.
inharmonious adj. Lacking accord or agreement.
INHARMONIOUS adj. not harmonious.
LONGSHOREMANlongshoreman n. (US) A man employed to load and unload ships.
longshoreman n. One who makes a living along the shore by oyster-fishing, etc.
LONGSHOREMAN n. a stevedore; a person who makes a living along the shore by fishing, etc., also ALONGSHOREMAN.
MONODELPHIANmonodelphian n. (Zoology) One of the Monodelphia.
MONODELPHIAN n. any placental mammal that is a member of the group Monodelphi.
MONOGRAPHINGmonographing v. Present participle of monograph.
MONOGRAPH v. to write a monograph.
ORNITHOMANCYornithomancy n. Divination by means of birds, especially from their behaviour, flight, vocalisations, etc.
ORNITHOMANCY n. divination by observing flight of birds.
UNHARMONIOUSunharmonious adj. Alternative form of inharmonious.
UNHARMONIOUS adj. not harmonious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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