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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, H, L, R, S, U and Y

AMATEURISHLYamateurishly adv. In an amateurish manner; without expertise or professionalism.
AMATEURISH adv. like an amateur.
ANARTHROUSLYanarthrously adv. (Grammar) In an anarthrous manner; without an accompanying article.
ANARTHROUS adv. without distinct joints.
BRACHYLOGOUSBRACHYLOGOUS adj. condensed in expression.
BRUSHABILITYbrushability n. The quality or degree of being brushable.
BRUSHABILITY n. the capacity for being brushed.
CHIVALROUSLYchivalrously adv. In a chivalrous manner.
CHIVALROUS adv. gentlemanly, valiant.
CRUSHABILITYcrushability n. The property of being capable of being crushed.
CRUSHABILITY n. the quality of being crushable.
DISTRAUGHTLYdistraughtly adv. In a distraught manner.
DISTRAUGHT adv. agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain.
FURALDEHYDESFURALDEHYDE n. either of two aldehydes derived from furan.
HARMONIOUSLYharmoniously adv. In a harmonious manner; coordinately.
HARMONIOUS adv. musically concordant.
HERBACEOUSLYherbaceously adv. In a herbaceous manner.
HERBACEOUS adv. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a herb.
HYPERAROUSALhyperarousal n. A state of heightened psychological and physiological tension resulting in reduced pain tolerance, anxiety…
HYPERAROUSAL n. a state of extreme arousal.
HYPERSENSUALhypersensual adj. Extremely sensual.
HYPERSENSUAL adj. excessively sensual.
POLYURETHANSPOLYURETHAN n. any of various polymers used esp. in flexible and rigid foams, elastomers, and resins, also POLYURETHANE.
PYROSULPHATEpyrosulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry, Britain) Alternative spelling of pyrosulfate.
PYROSULPHATE n. a salt of sulphur.
PYRRHULOXIASpyrrhuloxias n. Plural of pyrrhuloxia.
PYRRHULOXIA n. a grey-and-pink crested bunting of Central and SW North America, with a short parrot-like bill.
SEPULCHRALLYsepulchrally adv. In a sepulchral manner.
SEPULCHRAL adv. funereal; gloomy; dismal.
SUPERHUMANLYsuperhumanly adv. In a superhuman way, or to a superhuman extent.
SUPERHUMAN adv. being above the human.
UNHYSTERICALunhysterical adj. Not hysterical.
UNHYSTERICAL adj. not hysterical.
UNSEARCHABLYunsearchably adv. So as to preclude searching.
UNSEARCHABLE adv. not capable of being searched or explored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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