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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, H, L, N, 2O and Y

ANTHROPOLOGYanthropology n. The holistic scientific and social study of humanity, mainly using ethnography as its method.
ANTHROPOLOGY n. the science of human beings.
CARTOONISHLYcartoonishly adv. In a cartoonish manner; thus, in a comical or exaggerated way.
CARTOONISH adv. like a cartoon.
COLONOGRAPHYcolonography n. A virtual, non-invasive form of colonoscopy that uses computed tomography.
CONCHOIDALLYconchoidally adv. In a conchoidal manner.
CONCHOIDAL adv. shell-like, as applied to fractures in glass and quartz.
DISHONORABLYdishonorably adv. In a dishonorable manner.
DISHONORABLE adv. lacking honor, also DISHONOURABLE.
HAEMATOXYLONHAEMATOXYLON n. any thorny leguminous tree of the genus Haematoxylon, esp. the logwood, of tropical America and SW Africa, the heartwood of which yields the dye haematoxylin.
HARMONIOUSLYharmoniously adv. In a harmonious manner; coordinately.
HARMONIOUS adv. musically concordant.
HONORABILITYhonorability n. (American spelling) Alternative form of honourability.
HONORABILITY n. being honorable, also HONOURABILITY.
HORIZONTALLYhorizontally adv. In a horizontal direction or position.
HORIZONTAL adv. parallel to the horizon.
HYMNOLOGICALhymnological adj. Relating to hymnology.
HYMNOLOGICAL adj. related to hymnology, the study of hymns, also HYMNOLOGIC.
HYPERBOLAEONhyperbolaeon n. (Music) The highest tetrachord.
HYPERBOLAEON n. a term in in Greek prosody.
HYPNOLOGICALhypnological adj. Relating to hypnology.
HYPNOLOGICAL adj. relating to hypnology, the study of sleep or hypnosis, also HYPNOLOGIC.
HYPOPLASTRONhypoplastron n. The third lateral plate in the plastron of turtles.
HYPOPLASTRON n. the plate behind the hyoplastron in a turtle's plastron.
ISOCHRONALLYisochronally adv. In an isochronal manner.
ISOCHRONAL adv. uniform in time; recurring at regular intervals; e.g. isochronal vibrations or oscillations.
LARYNGOPHONYlaryngophony n. The sound of the voice as heard through a stethoscope placed upon the larynx.
LARYNGOPHONY n. the sound of the voice as heard through the stethoscope applied over the larynx.
MYTHOLOGIANSmythologians n. Plural of mythologian.
MYTHOLOGIAN n. a mythologist.
OMPHALOMANCYomphalomancy n. Divination by means of a child’s navel, to learn how many children the mother may have.
OMPHALOMANCY n. predicting the number of children a mother will bear by counting the knots in her firstborn's umbilical cord.
ORTHOGONALLYorthogonally adv. In an orthogonal manner; perpendicularly; at right angles.
ORTHOGONAL adv. at right angles; unrelated or independent of each other.
PHARYNGOLOGYpharyngology n. (Medicine) The science that studies the pharynx and treatment of its diseases.
PHARYNGOLOGY n. the study of the throat.
PHONOTYPICALphonotypical adj. Alternative form of phonotypic.
PHONOTYPICAL adj. of or like a phonotype, a printing type of phonetic alphabet, also PHONOTYPIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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