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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, H, I, M, P and 2R

ARCHESPORIUMarchesporium n. (Botany) Any of the cells of the sporangium that give rise to spores.
ARCHESPORIUM n. a primitive cell or group of cells from which a mother cell develops.
BRACHYPRISMSBRACHYPRISM n. a prism parallel to the brachydiagonal.
CRYPTARITHMScryptarithms n. Plural of cryptarithm.
CRYPTARITHM n. an arithmetic problem in which letters have been substituted for numbers and which is solved by finding all possible pairings of digits with letters that produce a numerically correct answer.
EPIRRHEMATICEPIRRHEMATIC adj. of or like an epirrhema, in Greek comedy, the address of the coryphaeus to the audience after the parabasis.
HYPERREALISMhyperrealism n. A style in art that attempts to reproduce highly realistic graphic representations.
hyperrealism n. (Music) A compositional style defined by Noah Creshevsky as "an electroacoustic musical language constructed…
HYPERREALISM n. realism in art characterized by depiction of real life in an unusual or striking manner.
HYPERTHERMIAhyperthermia n. (Pathology) The condition of having an abnormally high body temperature caused by a failure of the heat-regulating…
hyperthermia n. (Medicine) The therapeutic application of heat to a patient, especially as treatment to cancer.
HYPERTHERMIA n. exceptionally high fever esp. when induced artificially for therapeutic purposes.
IAMBOGRAPHERiambographer n. A poet who writes iambic verse.
IAMBOGRAPHER n. one who writes in iambics.
LAMPROPHYRIClamprophyric adj. Of or relating to lamprophyre.
LAMPROPHYRIC adj. of or like lamprophyre, a kind of basic igneous rock.
MACROGRAPHICmacrographic adj. Of or relating to macrography.
MACROGRAPHIC adj. of or like a macrograph, a photograph, drawing, etc. in which an object appears as large as or several times larger than the original.
MARCONIGRAPHmarconigraph n. (Dated) wireless telegraph.
marconigraph v. (Dated) To communicate by wireless telegraph.
MARCONIGRAPH n. a message sent by wireless telegraphy.
MICROGRAPHEDmicrographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of micrograph.
MICROGRAPH v. to write with a micrograph.
MICROGRAPHERmicrographer n. One who carries out micrography, describing things at the microscopic level.
MICROGRAPHER n. a person who draws or describes microscopic objects.
MICROGRAPHICmicrographic adj. Pertaining to micrographics.
micrographic adj. Pertaining to micrography.
MICROGRAPHIC adj. relating to micrographics, the production of photographically reduced texts.
MIMOGRAPHERSmimographers n. Plural of mimographer.
MIMOGRAPHER n. a writer of mimes.
PARACHRONISMparachronism n. An error in chronological order in which something is ascribed a later time than the actual one; metachronism.
PARACHRONISM n. the representation of something as being newer than it is.
PARAMORPHINEparamorphine n. (Toxicology) A poisonous alkaloid, also known as thebaine, obtained from opium; not used in medicine;…
PARAMORPHINE n. a poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, extracted from opium and used in medicine, aka thebaine.
PARAMORPHISMparamorphism n. (Geology) a change in the physical structure of a mineral without any chemical change.
PARAMORPHISM n. the state of being a paramorph.
PATRIARCHISMpatriarchism n. Government by a patriarch.
PATRIARCHISM n. government by a patriarch.
TETRAMORPHICtetramorphic adj. Having four forms.
tetramorphic adj. Relating to a tetramorph.
TETRAMORPHIC adj. having four forms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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