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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, H, I, 2L, M and R

ALLOMORPHISMallomorphism n. (Chemistry) The property of a compound which has more than one crystalline form or allomorph.
ALLOMORPHISM n. the state of being an allomorph.
ALPHAMERICALalphamerical adj. Alphanumeric / alphanumerical.
ALPHAMERICAL adj. consisting of, or (of a machine) using, both letters and numbers, also ALPHAMERIC.
CHIMERICALLYchimerically adv. In a chimerical manner.
CHIMERICAL adv. of the nature of a chimaera; imaginary, fanciful, visionary, also CHIMAERIC, CHIMERIC.
CHLORAMBUCILchlorambucil n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
CHLORAMBUCIL n. an oral drug used to treat some cancers, e.g. cancer of the ovary and leukaemia.
HARMONICALLYharmonically adv. In a harmonic manner.
HARMONICAL adv. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
HELLGRAMITEShellgramites n. Plural of hellgramite.
HELLGRAMITE n. the large brown aquatic larva of the Dobson fly, also HELLGRAMMITE.
HELLGRAMMITEhellgrammite n. Alternative spelling of hellgramite.
HELLGRAMMITE n. the large brown aquatic larva of the Dobson fly, also HELLGRAMITE.
HEMEROCALLIShemerocallis n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Hemerocallis of daylilies.
Hemerocallis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asphodelaceae – daylilies, perennial plants native to East Asia.
HEMEROCALLIS n. the daylily.
HERMETICALLYhermetically adv. With a hermetic seal; so as to be airtight.
hermetically adv. In a hermetic manner; isolatedly.
HERMETICAL adv. of or relating to sorcery or alchemy, also HERMETIC.
HERMITICALLYhermitically adv. Misspelling of hermetically.
HERMITICAL adv. of or like a hermit, also HERMITIC.
ISOTHERMALLYisothermally adv. In an isothermal manner; at constant temperature.
ISOTHERMAL adv. having an equal average temperature.
LAMPLIGHTERSlamplighters n. Plural of lamplighter.
LAMPLIGHTER n. one whose job it is to light lamps.
MARSHALLINGSmarshallings n. Plural of marshalling.
MARSHALLING n. the act of putting into proper order.
MORPHALLAXISmorphallaxis n. (Biology) The regeneration of specific tissue due to loss or death of the existing tissue.
MORPHALLAXIS n. regeneration in a changed form.
RHYTHMICALLYrhythmically adv. In a rhythmical manner.
rhythmically adv. With reference to rhythm.
RHYTHMICAL adv. according to rhythm, also RHYTHMIC.
THERMOLABILEthermolabile adj. (Biochemistry) Subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat.
THERMOLABILE adj. easily decomposed by heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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