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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing A, G, O, 2P, R and U

APPOGGIATURAappoggiatura n. (Music) A type of musical ornament, falling on the beat, which often creates a suspension and subtracts…
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
APPOGGIATUREappoggiature n. Plural of appoggiatura.
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
CARPOPHAGOUScarpophagous adj. Living on fruits; fruit-eating.
CARPOPHAGOUS adj. fruit-eating.
COPROPHAGOUScoprophagous adj. Feeding on excrement.
COPROPHAGOUS adj. eating dung, also COPROPHAGIC.
PNEUMOGRAPHSpneumographs n. Plural of pneumograph.
PNEUMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording respiration.
POPULARISINGpopularising v. Present participle of popularise.
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
POPULARIZINGpopularizing v. Present participle of popularize.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
PROPUGNATIONpropugnation n. (Obsolete) means of defence; defence.
PROPUGNATION n. (Shakespeare) defence.
PSEUDOGRAPHSpseudographs n. Plural of pseudograph.
PSEUDOGRAPH n. spurious writing; forgery.
PSEUDOGRAPHYpseudography n. False writing; forgery.
pseudography n. Incorrect spelling.
PSEUDOGRAPHY n. unsatisfactory spelling.
REPOPULATINGrepopulating v. Present participle of repopulate.
REPOPULATE v. to populate again.
SAPROPHAGOUSsaprophagous adj. Feeding on dead or decaying organic matter.
SAPROPHAGOUS adj. feeding on decaying material.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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