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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, G, N, O, 2P and S

BACKSTOPPINGbackstopping v. Present participle of backstop.
BACKSTOP v. to act as a backstop.
BOSSNAPPINGSbossnappings n. Plural of bossnapping.
BOSSNAPPING n. kidnapping a company executive as part of industrial action.
COPROPHAGANScoprophagans n. Plural of coprophagan.
COPROPHAGAN n. a beetle that lives in dung.
DISAPPROVINGdisapproving v. Present participle of disapprove.
DISAPPROVING adj. passing unfavorable judgment on.
EPISCOPATINGepiscopating v. Present participle of episcopate.
EPISCOPATE v. to act as a bishop.
OPPIGNERATESoppignerates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oppignerate.
OPPIGNERATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNORATE.
OPPIGNORATESoppignorates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oppignorate.
OPPIGNORATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNERATE.
OPPUGNANCIESoppugnancies n. Plural of oppugnancy.
OPPUGNANCY n. (Shakespeare) antagonism.
PANTOPHAGISTpantophagist n. One who eats all kinds of food.
PANTOPHAGIST n. an omnivore.
PANTOPHAGOUSpantophagous adj. Eating all kinds of food.
PANTOPHAGOUS adj. eating or requiring a variety of foods.
PNEUMOGRAPHSpneumographs n. Plural of pneumograph.
PNEUMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording respiration.
POPULARISINGpopularising v. Present participle of popularise.
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
PROPAGANDISEpropagandise v. Alternative form of propagandize.
PROPAGANDISE v. to subject to propaganda, also PROPAGANDIZE.
PROPAGANDISMpropagandism n. The use of propaganda.
PROPAGANDISM n. the practice of propagating tenets or principles.
PROPAGANDISTpropagandist n. A person who disseminates propaganda.
propagandist adj. Consisting of or spreading propaganda.
PROPAGANDIST n. one who engages in propaganda.
PROPAGATIONSpropagations n. Plural of propagation.
PROPAGATION n. the act of propagating.
STRAPPADOINGstrappadoing v. Present participle of strappado.
STRAPPADO v. to torture by this.
TAILHOPPINGSTAILHOPPING n. the act of hopping to lift the tails of the skis off the ground while flexing the knees into a crouching position.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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