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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, G, 2I, P, R and U

DISPAUPERINGdispaupering v. Present participle of dispauper.
DISPAUPER v. to deprive of the claim of a pauper to public support.
EQUIPARATINGEQUIPARATE v. (obsolete) to regard or treat as equal.
GUARDIANSHIPguardianship n. The office or position of one acting as a guardian or conservator, especially in a legal capacity.
GUARDIANSHIP n. the office of guardian.
PASTEURISINGpasteurising v. Present participle of pasteurise.
PASTEURISE v. to treat milk so as to kill germs, also PASTEURIZE.
PASTEURIZINGpasteurizing v. Present participle of pasteurize.
PASTEURIZE v. to treat milk so as to kill germs, also PASTEURISE.
POPULARISINGpopularising v. Present participle of popularise.
POPULARISE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARIZE.
POPULARIZINGpopularizing v. Present participle of popularize.
POPULARIZE v. to cater to popular taste, also POPULARISE.
PURITANISINGpuritanising v. Present participle of puritanise.
PURITANISE v. to make a Puritan of, also PURITANIZE.
PURITANIZINGpuritanizing v. Present participle of puritanize.
PURITANIZE v. to make a Puritan of, also PURITANISE.
QUADRIPLEGIAquadriplegia n. Paralysis from the neck down.
quadriplegia n. Paralysis of all four limbs.
QUADRIPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also TETRAPLEGIA.
QUADRIPLEGICquadriplegic adj. Of, related to, or suffering from quadriplegia.
quadriplegic n. One who suffers from quadriplegia.
QUADRIPLEGIC adj. relating to quadriplegia, paralysis of both arms and both legs.
TRIPUDIATINGtripudiating v. Present participle of tripudiate.
TRIPUDIATE v. to dance for joy; to exult; to stamp.
UNASPIRINGLYunaspiringly adv. (Rare) Without aspirations.
UNASPIRING adv. not aspiring.
UNDESPAIRINGundespairing adj. Not despairing.
UNDESPAIRING adj. not despairing.
UNPARADISINGunparadising v. Present participle of unparadise.
UNPARADISE v. to deprive of happiness like that of paradise.
UNPREVAILINGunprevailing adj. Not prevailing.
UNPREVAILING adj. not prevailing.
UPBRAIDINGLYupbraidingly adv. So as to upbraid; scoldingly.
UPBRAIDING adv. reproachful.
VITUPERATINGvituperating v. Present participle of vituperate.
VITUPERATE v. to abuse or censure severely or abusively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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