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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, F, I, 2N, R and U

AFTERBURNINGafterburning n. (Aviation) The injection of extra fuel into a jet engine downstream of the turbines in order to achieve extra thrust.
AFTERBURNING n. reheat, the use of a device to inject fuel into the hot exhaust gases of a turbojet in order to obtain increased thrust.
ANTIDANDRUFFantidandruff adj. Countering or preventing dandruff.
ANTIDANDRUFF adj. designed to cure dandruff.
BLUESNARFINGbluesnarfing n. Unauthorized access to the information on a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection, often between…
BLUESNARFING n. the unauthorized access of information from a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection.
DIBENZOFURANdibenzofuran n. (Organic chemistry) The tricyclic heterocycle in which two benzene rings are fused to that of furan;…
DIBENZOFURAN n. a highly toxic chemical compound that is used in chemical synthesis and as an insecticide.
FENFLURAMINEfenfluramine n. An appetite suppressant used to treat obesity.
FLUORINATINGfluorinating v. Present participle of fluorinate.
FLUORINATE v. to introduce fluorine into a chemical compound.
FLUORINATIONfluorination n. (Chemistry) The introduction of fluorine into a compound by means of a chemical reaction.
FLUORINATION n. the act of fluorinating.
FOUNDATIONERfoundationer n. (UK) One who derives support from the funds or foundation of a college or school.
FOUNDATIONER n. a person supported from the funds or foundation of an institution.
FRUMENTATIONfrumentation n. (Historical) The distribution of corn to the people (especially to appease them during agitation for…
FRUMENTATION n. a gift of grain bestowed on starving or rebellious people in ancient Rome.
FUNDRAISINGSfundraisings n. Plural of fundraising.
FUNDRAISING n. the act of raising funds.
INFUNDIBULARinfundibular adj. Having the shape of a funnel.
infundibular adj. (Medicine) having to do with an infundibulum.
INFUNDIBULAR adj. funnel-shaped, also INFUNDIBULATE.
INFURIATIONSinfuriations n. Plural of infuriation.
INFURIATION n. the act of infuriating.
REFOUNDATIONrefoundation n. The process of founding something anew.
REFOUNDATION n. the act of refounding.
STANNIFEROUSstanniferous adj. Containing or producing the metal tin.
STANNIFEROUS adj. bearing tin.
TRANSFUSIONStransfusions n. Plural of transfusion.
TRANSFUSION n. the act of transfusing esp. blood.
UNFAIRNESSESunfairnesses n. Plural of unfairness.
UNFAIRNESS n. the state of being unfair.
UNFLATTERINGunflattering adj. Not flattering.
unflattering v. Present participle of unflatter.
UNFLATTERING adj. not flattering.
UNFRANCHISEDunfranchised adj. Not franchised.
UNFRANCHISED adj. not franchised.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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