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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, E, O, 3T and U

AFTERTHOUGHTafterthought n. A reflection after an act; a later or subsequent thought, action, or expedient.
afterthought n. Something additional to the original plan or concept.
afterthought v. (Very rare except in the past tense, possibly nonstandard) To expound as an afterthought.
ATTENUATIONSattenuations n. Plural of attenuation.
ATTENUATION n. the action of attenuating.
AUTODESTRUCTautodestruct v. (Intransitive, chiefly science fiction) To destroy itself by design (as of a mechanical system).
autodestruct n. (Chiefly science fiction) A feature of a system whereby it destroys itself.
AUTODESTRUCT v. to self-destruct.
COUNTERSTATEcounterstate n. A geopolitical state that opposes another, or is set up to challenge its authority.
counterstate v. To utter a counterstatement; to deliver an opposing reply.
COUNTERSTATE v. to state in opposition.
MULTICOSTATEmulticostate adj. Having multiple ribs.
MULTICOSTATE adj. having many ribs.
MUTTERATIONSmutterations n. Plural of mutteration.
MUTTERATION n. (Richardson) complaining.
OSTENTATIOUSostentatious adj. Of ostentation.
ostentatious adj. Intended to attract notice.
ostentatious adj. Of tawdry display; kitsch.
QUATTROCENTOquattrocento n. The 1400s, the fifteenth-century Renaissance Italian period.
QUATTROCENTO n. (Italian) the fifteenth century in Italy; the Italian style of art, architecture, etc. of this period.
STEATOMATOUSsteatomatous adj. (Medicine) Of the nature of steatoma.
STEATOMATOUS adj. relating to a steatoma, a tumour of the sebaceous gland.
STERNUTATIONsternutation n. (Medicine, archaic) A sneeze; sneezing, especially as a symptom.
STERNUTATION n. the act of sneezing.
STERNUTATORSsternutators n. Plural of sternutator.
STERNUTATOR n. a substance which causes sneezing, also STERNUTATIVE, STERNUTATORY.
STERNUTATORYsternutatory adj. That causes or induces sneezing; sternutative.
sternutatory n. Any substance that causes sneezing; a sternutator.
STERNUTATORY n. a substance which causes sneezing, also STERNUTATIVE, STERNUTATOR.
STOUTHEARTEDstouthearted adj. Brave, courageous and plucky.
stouthearted adj. Stubborn, resolute.
stout-hearted adj. Alternative form of stouthearted.
SUSTENTATIONsustentation n. The act or the result of sustaining; sustainment.
sustentation n. The aggregate of the functions by which a living organism is maintained in a normal condition of weight and growth.
sustentation n. (Christianity) The scheme by which the ministers of the Free Church of Scotland are supported by voluntary…
SUSTENTATORSsustentators n. Plural of sustentator.
SUSTENTATOR n. a sustaining part or structure.
TERATOMATOUSteratomatous adj. Relating to a teratoma.
TERATOMATOUS adj. of or like a teratoma.
TETRAPTEROUStetrapterous adj. (Entomology) Having four (two pairs of) wings.
TETRAPTEROUS adj. having four wings, also TETRAPTERAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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