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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, E, M, 3N and U

ANNOUNCEMENTannouncement n. An act of announcing, or giving notice.
announcement n. That which conveys what is announced.
announcement n. The content which is announced.
DISANNULMENTdisannulment n. Complete annulment.
DISANNULMENT n. the act of disannulling.
INTERMUNDANEintermundane adj. Between worlds or planets.
INTERMUNDANE adj. between worlds.
INTRAMUNDANEintramundane adj. Within the material world.
INTRAMUNDANE adj. within the world.
MENAQUINONESmenaquinones n. Plural of menaquinone.
MENAQUINONE n. a form of vitamin K synthesized by bacteria in the intestine or in putrefying organic matter.
MOUNTENANCESmountenances n. Plural of mountenance.
MOUNTENANCE n. (Spenser) amount; distance, also MOUNTENAUNCE.
MOUNTENAUNCEMOUNTENAUNCE n. (Spenser) amount; distance, also MOUNTENANCE.
NONARGUMENTSnonarguments n. Plural of nonargument.
NONARGUMENT n. something that is not an argument.
NONNUMERICALnonnumerical adj. Not numerical; containing data other than numbers.
nonnumerical adj. Not using numerical techniques.
NONNUMERICAL adj. not numerical.
TRANSMUNDANEtransmundane adj. Occurring beyond the physical world.
TRANSMUNDANE adj. not belonging to this world, out of, beyond, this world.
UNDERMANNINGundermanning v. Present participle of underman.
UNDERMANNING n. the state of not having enough employees.
UNDERMEANINGundermeaning n. An underlying or hidden meaning.
UNDERMEANING n. a hidden meaning.
UNMAINTAINEDunmaintained adj. Not maintained.
UNMAINTAINED adj. not maintained.
UNMANNEREDLYunmanneredly adv. In an unmannered way; rudely.
UNMANNERED adv. marked by a lack of good manners.
UNORNAMENTALunornamental adj. Not ornamental.
UNORNAMENTAL adj. not ornamental.
UNORNAMENTEDunornamented adj. Not ornamented; without ornament.
UNORNAMENTED adj. not ornamented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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