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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing A, E, I, Q, S and 2U

AQUICULTURESaquicultures n. Plural of aquiculture.
AQUICULTURE n. the practice of using the sea, lakes etc. for fish-farming, also AQUACULTURE.
ARQUEBUSIERSarquebusiers n. Plural of arquebusier.
ARQUEBUSIER n. a soldier armed with an arquebus.
EQUANIMOUSLYequanimously adv. In an equanimous manner.
EQUANIMOUS adv. of an even, composed frame of mind.
HARQUEBUSIERharquebusier n. Alternative form of arquebusier.
HARQUEBUSIER n. a soldier armed with an arquebus.
MOUSQUETAIREmousquetaire n. (Historical) A musketeer, especially one of the French royal musketeers of the 17th and 18th centuries…
mousquetaire n. (Historical) A woman’s cloak trimmed with ribbons, with large buttons, fashionable in the mid-19th century.
mousquetaire n. (Historical) A broad turnover linen collar worn in the mid-19th century.
QUADRENNIUMSquadrenniums n. Plural of quadrennium.
QUADRENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRIENNIUM.
QUAESTUARIESQUAESTUARY n. (Latin) an ancient Roman public treasurer or assistant military commander, also QUAESTOR, QUESTOR.
SEQUACIOUSLYsequaciously adv. By a logically developed argument.
sequaciously adv. With blind acceptance.
SEQUACIOUS adv. intellectually servile, unthinkingly following others.
SILIQUACEOUSsiliquaceous adj. (Botany) Having siliques.
SILIQUACEOUS adj. of or like a siliqua, a type of dry fruit consisting of a long pod of two carpels divided by a partition.
SUPERQUALITYsuperquality adj. Of very high quality.
SUPERQUALITY n. exceptional quality.
UNVANQUISHEDunvanquished adj. Not vanquished; unbeaten or unconquered.
UNVANQUISHED adj. not vanquished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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