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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, E, I, M and 3R

ARTERIOGRAMSarteriograms n. Plural of arteriogram.
ARTERIOGRAM n. a radiograph of an artery made by arteriography.
BRAINSTORMERbrainstormer n. One who brainstorms.
BRAINSTORMER n. one who engages in brainstorming.
CHAIRWARMERSchairwarmers n. Plural of chairwarmer.
CHAIRWARMER n. an office holder, committee member, or employee who is inactive and ineffective.
FORMULARISERformulariser n. Alternative form of formularizer.
FORMULARISER n. one who formularises, also FORMULARIZER.
FORMULARIZERformularizer n. One who formularizes.
FORMULARIZER n. one who formularizes, also FORMULARISER.
INTERMARRIEDintermarried v. Simple past tense and past participle of intermarry.
INTERMARRY v. to marry each other.
INTERMARRIESintermarries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intermarry.
INTERMARRY v. to marry each other.
IRREFORMABLEirreformable adj. That cannot be reformed.
IRREFORMABLE adj. incapable of being reformed.
IRREFORMABLYirreformably adv. Such that it cannot be reformed.
IRREFORMABLE adv. incapable of being reformed.
MARSHBERRIESmarshberries n. Plural of marshberry.
METRORRHAGIAmetrorrhagia n. (Pathology) abnormal uterine bleeding at irregular intervals.
METRORRHAGIA n. irregular uterine bleeding esp. between menstrual periods.
MICROGRAPHERmicrographer n. One who carries out micrography, describing things at the microscopic level.
MICROGRAPHER n. a person who draws or describes microscopic objects.
MICROREADERSmicroreaders n. Plural of microreader.
MICROREADER n. a device that produces an enlarged image of a microphotograph or microfilm.
PREPRIMARIESpreprimaries n. Plural of preprimary.
PREPRIMARY n. an election occurring before the primary elections.
RECRIMINATORrecriminator n. One who recriminates.
RECRIMINATOR n. one who recriminates.
REPROGRAMINGreprograming v. Present participle of reprogram.
reprograming n. Alternative form of reprogramming.
REPROGRAM v. to program again.
STRIPPERGRAMstrippergram n. A stripper hired to deliver a message or greeting.
STRIPPERGRAM n. a message delivered by a messenger who performs a striptease act for the recipient, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPAGRAM.
TERRAFORMINGterraforming v. Present participle of terraform.
terraforming n. The hypothetical process of deliberately modifying the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or…
TERRAFORMING n. the act of making another planet earthlike.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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