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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, E, H, I, N, O and V

CHELUVIATIONcheluviation n. Eluviation caused by the chelating action of acids in the environment.
CHELUVIATION n. the leaching of iron and aluminium oxides from soils, esp. those planted with conifers and heaths.
EARTHMOVINGSEARTHMOVING n. the act of moving large quantities of earth, as with a bulldozer.
INCHOATIVELYinchoatively adv. In an inchoative manner.
INCHOATIVE adv. expressing or pertaining to a beginning.
OUTACHIEVINGoutachieving v. Present participle of outachieve.
OUTACHIEVE v. to surpass in achievement.
OVERCATCHINGovercatching v. Present participle of overcatch.
OVERCATCH v. to overtake.
OVERCHARGINGovercharging n. The act or process of charging excessively.
overcharging v. Present participle of overcharge.
OVERCHARGING n. the making of an excessive charge.
OVERCOACHINGovercoaching v. Present participle of overcoach.
OVERCOACH v. to coach to excess.
OVERHANDLINGoverhandling v. Present participle of overhandle.
OVERHANDLE v. to handle, or use, too much.
OVERHEATINGSoverheatings n. Plural of overheating.
OVERHEATING n. heating to excess.
OVERMATCHINGovermatching v. Present participle of overmatch.
OVERMATCH v. to be more than a match for.
OVERREACHINGoverreaching v. Present participle of overreach.
overreaching n. Deception.
OVERREACH v. to reach beyond, to overtake.
OVERTEACHINGoverteaching v. Present participle of overteach.
OVERTEACH v. to teach too much.
OVERWATCHINGoverwatching v. Present participle of overwatch.
OVERWATCH v. to watch too much.
SLAVEHOLDINGslaveholding adj. Having possession/ownership of one or more slaves.
slaveholding n. (Uncountable) The institution or practice of owning slaves.
slaveholding n. (Countable) An owning of one or more slaves.
STAKHANOVITEStakhanovite n. (Historical) An extremely productive or hard-working worker, especially in the former USSR, who may…
Stakhanovite adj. Pertaining to a Stakhanovite; heroically hard-working.
STAKHANOVITE n. a superlative worker.
VAPORISHNESSvaporishness n. Alternative form of vapourishness.
VAPORISHNESS n. the state of being vaporish.
VENOGRAPHIESvenographies n. Plural of venography.
VENOGRAPHY n. radiography of a vein after injection of a contrast medium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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