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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, E, H, 3I and S

ANTITHEISTICantitheistic adj. Of, pertaining to or espousing antitheism.
ANTITHEISTIC adj. opposed to theism.
BAILLIESHIPSBAILLIESHIP n. the office of baillie.
CHILIARCHIESchiliarchies n. Plural of chiliarchy.
CHILIARCHY n. a body consisting of a thousand men.
DIMINISHABLEdiminishable adj. That may be diminished.
DIMINISHABLE adj. that can be diminished.
DITHEISTICALditheistical adj. (Obsolete) ditheistic.
DITHEISTICAL adj. relating to ditheism, belief in two equal gods, one good and one evil, also DITHEISTIC.
EOSINOPHILIAeosinophilia n. (Medicine) The condition of having a high concentration of eosinophils (eosinophil granulocytes) in the blood.
EOSINOPHILIA n. an abnormal increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood.
ETHICALITIESethicalities n. Plural of ethicality.
ETHICALITY n. the quality of being ethical.
HEPARINISINGheparinising v. Present participle of heparinise.
HISPANICISEDHispanicised v. Simple past tense and past participle of Hispanicise.
HISPANICISE v. to render Hispanic, also HISPANICIZE.
HISPANICISESHispanicises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Hispanicise.
HISPANICISE v. to render Hispanic, also HISPANICIZE.
HISPANICIZEDHispanicized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Hispanicize.
HISPANICIZE v. to render Hispanic, also HISPANICISE.
HISPANICIZESHispanicizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Hispanicize.
HISPANICIZE v. to render Hispanic, also HISPANICISE.
HISPANIOLISEHispaniolise v. Alternative form of Hispaniolize.
HISPANIOLISE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLIZE.
HISPANIOLIZEHispaniolize v. Synonym of Spaniolize.
HISPANIOLIZE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLISE.
INHUMANITIESinhumanities n. Plural of inhumanity.
INHUMANITY n. the quality of being inhuman.
KINESIPATHICkinesipathic adj. Of or relating to kinesipathy.
KINESIPATHIC adj. relating to kinesiatrics, a method of treating disease by means of exercises or gymnastic movements.
MITHRIDATISEmithridatise v. (UK) Alternative form of mithridatize.
MITHRIDATISE v. to acquire immunity to a poison acquired by taking gradually increased doses of it, also MITHRIDATIZE.
SPHAIRISTIKEsphairistike n. (Sports, archaic) An early racquet sport that evolved into tennis.
SPHAIRISTIKE n. (Greek) a ball game that developed into lawn tennis.
THIOSINAMINETHIOSINAMINE n. a white crystalline bitter-tasting compound with a slight garlic-like odour, occurring in mustard oil and used in organic synthesis.
TRICHINIASEStrichiniases n. Plural of trichiniasis.
TRICHINIASIS n. a disease caused by trichinae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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