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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, 2N, R and Z

CENTRALIZINGcentralizing v. Present participle of centralize.
CENTRALIZE v. to move to, draw to, or concentrate at a centre, also CENTRALISE.
DENATURIZINGdenaturizing v. Present participle of denaturize.
DENATURIZE v. to remove the nature from, also DENATURISE.
ENERGIZATIONenergization n. The act (or state) of being energized.
ENERGIZATION n. the process of energizing, also ENERGISATION.
ETERNALIZINGeternalizing v. Present participle of eternalize.
ETERNALIZE v. to make eternal, also ETERNALISE.
FRATERNIZINGfraternizing v. Present participle of fraternize.
FRATERNIZE v. to associate or mingle as brothers or on fraternal terms, also FRATERNISE.
GENERALIZINGgeneralizing v. Present participle of generalize.
GENERALIZE v. to give a general form to, also GENERALISE.
GRANGERIZINGgrangerizing v. Present participle of grangerize.
GRANGERIZE v. to illustrate a book with illustrations from other books; to mutilate a book by stealing its illustrations, also GRANGERISE.
GRECIANIZINGgrecianizing v. Present participle of grecianize.
Grecianizing v. Present participle of Grecianize.
GRECIANIZE v. to conform to the Greek custom, esp. in speech, also GRECIANISE.
HEPARINIZINGheparinizing v. Present participle of heparinize.
KERATINIZINGkeratinizing v. Present participle of keratinize.
KERATINIZE v. to make keratinous, also KERATINISE.
MINERALIZINGmineralizing v. Present participle of mineralize.
mineralizing adj. That mineralizes.
MINERALIZE v. to transform into a mineral, also MINERALISE.
NEUTRALIZINGneutralizing v. (American spelling) present participle of neutralize.
NEUTRALIZE v. to render neutral, also NEUTRALISE.
NUCLEARIZINGnuclearizing v. Present participle of nuclearize.
NUCLEARIZE v. to make nuclear; to fit nuclear weapons, also NUCLEARISE.
OUTBRAZENINGoutbrazening v. Present participle of outbrazen.
OUTBRAZEN v. to be more brazen than.
PANEGYRIZINGpanegyrizing v. Present participle of panegyrize.
PANEGYRIZE v. to deliver a panegyric upon, also PANEGYRISE.
PRECOGNIZANTprecognizant adj. Displaying precognition.
PRECOGNIZANT adj. having foreknowledge, also PRECOGNISANT.
RECANALIZINGrecanalizing v. Present participle of recanalize.
RECANALIZE v. to canalize again, also RECANALISE.
RECOGNIZANCErecognizance n. (Law) a form of bail; a promise made by the accused to the court that they will attend all required…
recognizance n. A token; a symbol; a pledge.
recognizance n. Acknowledgment of a person or thing; avowal; profession; recognition.
REHUMANIZINGrehumanizing v. Present participle of rehumanize.
REHUMANIZE v. to make human again, also REHUMANISE.
REORGANIZINGreorganizing v. Present participle of reorganize.
re-organizing v. Present participle of re-organize.
REORGANIZE v. to organize again, also REORGANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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