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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, H, N, P and U

AGAPANTHUSESagapanthuses n. Plural of agapanthus.
AGAPANTHUS n. a genus of lily native to South Africa.
CERAUNOGRAPHceraunograph n. A device for measuring lightning discharges.
CERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording thunderstorms by detecting the radio waves generated, also KERAUNOGRAPH.
HEPATOGENOUShepatogenous adj. (Medicine) Synonym of hepatogenic.
HEPATOGENOUS adj. originating in the liver.
KERAUNOGRAPHkeraunograph n. (Archaic) A figure or picture impressed by lightning upon the human body or elsewhere.
keraunograph n. A ceraunograph; an instrument for measuring and recording lightning.
KERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for detecting distant thunderstorms, also CERAUNOGRAPH.
NECROPHAGOUSnecrophagous adj. That eats dead or decaying animal flesh.
NECROPHAGOUS adj. feeding on the dead.
OUTPREACHINGoutpreaching v. Present participle of outpreach.
OUTPREACH v. to surpass in preaching.
PACKINGHOUSEpackinghouse n. A facility where harvested food is processed into a salable condition.
packinghouse n. A slaughterhouse wherein animals are slaughtered, and the meat is then processed into smaller cuts.
PACKINGHOUSE n. an establishment for slaughtering livestock and processing packed meat.
PHAENOGAMOUSphaenogamous adj. (Botany) Having true flowers with distinct floral organs; flowering.
PHAENOGAMOUS adj. of or like a phaenogam, a flowering plant, also PHAENOGAMIC.
PNEUMOGRAPHSpneumographs n. Plural of pneumograph.
PNEUMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring and recording respiration.
PRELAUNCHINGPRELAUNCH v. to launch in advance.
REPURCHASINGrepurchasing v. Present participle of repurchase.
REPURCHASE v. to buy back or again.
STENOPHAGOUSstenophagous adj. (Ecology) Feeding on a limited variety of food.
STENOPHAGOUS adj. of animals, feeding on a single type or limited variety of food.
SUPERHEATINGsuperheating v. Present participle of superheat.
superheating n. The heating of a substance above a temperature at which a change of state normally occurs, without it…
SUPERHEAT v. to heat to excess.
UNHAPPENINGSunhappenings n. Plural of unhappening.
UNHAPPENING n. something that is not a happening.
URANOGRAPHERuranographer n. One who carries out uranography.
URANOGRAPHER n. one who maps the constellations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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