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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, E, G, H, I, N and W

BANTAMWEIGHTbantamweight n. (Boxing) A weight class in boxing and other sports, intermediate between flyweight and featherweight…
bantamweight n. A boxer or other competitor of this weight.
BANTAMWEIGHT n. a weight category in boxing.
CARTWHEELINGcartwheeling v. Present participle of cartwheel.
CARTWHEEL v. to turn a cartwheel.
GREENWASHINGgreenwashing n. The practice by people, organizations and states of presenting themselves as environmentally-friendly…
greenwashing v. Present participle of greenwash.
GREENWASHING n. the act of covering with a specious overlay of concern for the environment.
HAIRWEAVINGSHAIRWEAVING n. the interweaving of false hair with real on a bald person's head.
HANDWRINGERShandwringers n. Plural of handwringer.
HANDWRINGER n. one who wrings his hands.
HEARTWARMINGheartwarming adj. Alternative form of heart-warming.
heart-warming adj. Eliciting cosy feelings of tenderness and sympathy.
HEARTWARMING adj. inspiring sympathetic feeling.
HOUSEWARMINGhousewarming n. (Idiomatic) A party to celebrate moving into a new home.
housewarming n. The act of welcoming a person/family to their newly purchased or newly rented home.
house-warming n. Alternative spelling of housewarming.
NIGHTWALKERSnightwalkers n. Plural of nightwalker.
NIGHTWALKER n. a person who roams about at night esp. with criminal intent.
OVERWATCHINGoverwatching v. Present participle of overwatch.
OVERWATCH v. to watch too much.
STONEWASHINGstonewashing v. Present participle of stonewash.
STONEWASH v. to wash with stones to give a worn appearance.
WAREHOUSINGSwarehousings n. Plural of warehousing.
WAREHOUSING n. storage in a warehouse.
WEATHERISINGweatherising v. Present participle of weatherise.
WEATHERISE v. to make (a fabric) weatherproof, also WEATHERIZE.
WEATHERIZINGweatherizing n. A protective coating, or layer of insulation, as on a house or car.
weatherizing v. Present participle of weatherize.
WEATHERIZE v. to make (a fabric) weatherproof, also WEATHERISE.
WHEREAGAINSTwhereagainst adv. (Archaic) Against what; against which.
WHEREAGAINST adv. (archaic) against which.
WHITEWASHINGwhitewashing n. The application of whitewash.
whitewashing n. (Figuratively) The effacement of errors or bad actions.
whitewashing n. (Derogatory) The process of whitewashing, of making over (a person or character, a group, an event…
WHOLESALINGSWHOLESALING n. the act of selling wholesale.
WRANGLERSHIPwranglership n. The honor or position of being a wrangler at the University of Cambridge, England.
WRANGLERSHIP n. the office of wrangler.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 124 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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