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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, N, 2O and U

AERONEUROSESaeroneuroses n. Plural of aeroneurosis.
AERONEUROSIS n. flight fatigue, a nervous disorder of airmen, with emotional and physical symptoms.
AERONEUROSISaeroneurosis n. (Aviation, medicine, pathology) A disorder afflicting pilots and members of aviation crews, characterized…
AERONEUROSIS n. flight fatigue, a nervous disorder of airmen, with emotional and physical symptoms.
AMINOTOLUENEaminotoluene n. (Organic chemistry) Synonym of toluidine.
AMINOTOLUENE n. another name for toluidine.
COETANEOUSLYCOETANEOUS adv. having the same age; coeval.
ENTOMOFAUNAEentomofaunae n. Plural of entomofauna.
ENTOMOFAUNA n. (Latin) insect life.
GAMETOGENOUSgametogenous adj. Of or pertaining to gametogenesis.
GAMETOGENOUS adj. relating to gametogenesis, also GAMETOGENIC.
HEMATOGENOUShematogenous adj. Producing blood.
hematogenous adj. Spread by blood.
HEMATOGENOUS adj. producing blood, also HAEMATOGENOUS.
HEPATOGENOUShepatogenous adj. (Medicine) Synonym of hepatogenic.
HEPATOGENOUS adj. originating in the liver.
HETEROOUSIANheteroousian adj. Having different essence or substance, especially with reference to the first and second persons of the Trinity.
HETEROOUSIAN n. one who believes that the Son is of a different substance from the Father.
KERATOGENOUSkeratogenous adj. That produces horny tissue.
KERATOGENOUS adj. producing horn or keratin.
LOMENTACEOUSlomentaceous adj. (Botany) Of the nature of a loment; having fruits like loments.
LOMENTACEOUS adj. bearing lomenta.
MOMENTANEOUSmomentaneous adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to a grammatical aspect relating to an action that takes place at a specific point in time.
momentaneous adj. (Archaic) momentary.
MOMENTANEOUS adj. momentary; instantaneous.
MONONUCLEATEmononucleate adj. (Biology, of a cell) Having a single nucleus.
mononucleate n. A cell that has a single nucleus.
MONONUCLEATE adj. having a single nucleus, also MONONUCLEATED.
OUTMANOEUVREoutmanoeuvre v. (British spelling, transitive) To perform manoeuvres or movements more successfully or better than;…
outmanœuvre v. Alternative form of outmanoeuvre.
OUTMANOEUVRE v. to surpass in manoeuvring, also OUTMANEUVER.
OVERABOUNDEDoverabounded v. Simple past tense and past participle of overabound.
OVERABOUND v. to be exceedingly plenty.
PORCELANEOUSporcelaneous adj. Porcellaneous.
TEMPORANEOUStemporaneous adj. (Obsolete) temporary.
TEMPORANEOUS adj. (obsolete) lasting only a short while.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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