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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, 2E, H, L, P and U

DESULPHURATEdesulphurate v. (Transitive) To deprive of sulphur.
DESULPHURATE v. to remove sulphur from.
FLUPHENAZINEfluphenazine n. (Pharmacology) An antipsychotic drug of the phenothiazine class, which can be administered orally or by injection.
FLUPHENAZINE n. a tranquilizer used esp. in the form of its hydrochloride.
HYPERMUTABLEhypermutable adj. (Genetics) That mutates rapidly.
HYPERMUTABLE adj. excessively mutable.
HYPERSENSUALhypersensual adj. Extremely sensual.
HYPERSENSUAL adj. excessively sensual.
HYPERTEXTUALhypertextual adj. Of or relating to hypertext.
LAUREATESHIPlaureateship n. The state, or office, of a laureate.
LAUREATESHIP n. the office of laureate.
PANHELLENIUMPanhellenium n. (Historical) An assembly or association of Greeks from all the states of Ancient Greece.
PANHELLENIUM n. a council representing all the sections of the Greeks, also PANHELLENION.
PENTATEUCHALpentateuchal adj. Of or pertaining to the Pentateuch, also known as the Torah.
Pentateuchal adj. Alternative letter-case form of pentateuchal.
PENTATEUCHAL adj. relating to the Pentateuch, the Mosaic book of the law.
PERSULPHATESpersulphates n. Plural of persulphate.
PERSULPHATE n. that sulphate of a metal which contains the relatively greater quantity of oxygen or of the acid radical, also PERSULFATE.
PHLEGMAGOGUEphlegmagogue n. (Obsolete) Any medicine supposed to expel phlegm.
PHLEGMAGOGUE n. a phlegm-expelling drug.
PICKELHAUBESpickelhaubes n. Plural of pickelhaube.
PICKELHAUBE n. (German) the spiked helmet worn by German or Prussian soldiers before World War I.
POLYURETHANEpolyurethane n. (Organic chemistry) Any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links; used in very many industrial…
POLYURETHANE n. any of various polymers used esp. in flexible and rigid foams, elastomers, and resins, also POLYURETHAN.
PRESLAUGHTERpreslaughter adj. Before slaughter.
PRESLAUGHTER adj. preceding a slaughter.
PURPLEHEARTSpurplehearts n. Plural of purpleheart.
purple␣hearts n. Plural of purple heart.
Purple␣Hearts n. Plural of Purple Heart.
PUZZLEHEADEDpuzzleheaded adj. Having the head full of confused notions.
PUZZLEHEADED adj. having or based on confused attitudes or ideas.
SUPERATHLETEsuperathlete n. A very skilled and successful athlete.
SUPERATHLETE n. a very good athlete.
SUPERHELICALsuperhelical adj. Of or pertaining to a superhelix, the shape formed by a helix twisted into a helix.
SUPERHELICAL adj. of or like a superhelix.
SUPERHUMERALsuperhumeral n. An imperial decorative collar worn in Byzantium.
superhumeral n. Anything worn upon the shoulders, such as the amice, the pallium, or the ephod.
SUPERHUMERAL n. an ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders.
UNPERISHABLEunperishable adj. Not perishable.
unperishable n. A food or other substance that is not perishable.
UNPERISHABLE adj. not perishable.
UNSHAPELIESTunshapeliest adj. Superlative form of unshapely: most unshapely.
UNSHAPELY adj. not shapely.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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