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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, D, I, O, 2R and V

ADVERTORIALSadvertorials n. Plural of advertorial.
ADVERTORIAL n. an advertisement presented as if it were editorial material.
BOULEVARDIERboulevardier n. A man who frequents the boulevards; thus, a man about town or bon vivant.
boulevardier v. (Intransitive) To strut or show off like a boulevardier.
BOULEVARDIER n. (French) a socially active man who likes to visit fashionable places.
CARDIOVERTERcardioverter n. A machine that performs cardioversion (specifically, electrocardioversion), in either hospital equipment…
DISAPPROVERSdisapprovers n. Plural of disapprover.
DISAPPROVER n. one who disapproves.
DISFAVOURERSdisfavourers n. Plural of disfavourer.
DISFAVOURER n. one who disfavours.
DIVARICATORSdivaricators n. Plural of divaricator.
DIVARICATOR n. one who divaricates.
DIVERSIONARYdiversionary adj. That serves as a diversion.
DIVERSIONARY adj. tending to draw attention away from the principal concern.
DORSIVENTRALdorsiventral adj. Alternative form of dorsoventral.
DORSIVENTRAL adj. having differentiated opposite faces or surfaces.
OVERDRAMATICoverdramatic adj. Dramatic to excess.
OVERDRAMATIC adj. excessively dramatic.
OVERSTRAINEDoverstrained v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstrain.
OVERSTRAIN v. to strain to excess.
OVERTRADINGSovertradings n. Plural of overtrading.
OVERTRADING n. trading beyond one's capital.
PREROGATIVEDprerogatived adj. Endowed with a prerogative, or exclusive privilege.
PREROGATIVED adj. (Shakespeare) possessed of a prerogative.
RADICIVOROUSradicivorous adj. (Zoology, rare) That feeds on plant roots.
RADICIVOROUS adj. eating roots.
SCRIEVEBOARDscrieve␣board n. A large section of floor in the mold loft, on which the lines of the body plan are scribed or cut with a knife.
SCRIEVEBOARD n. a shipbuilder's drawing board, also SCRIVEBOARD.
SCRIVEBOARDSSCRIVEBOARD n. a shipbuilder's drawing board, also SCRIEVEBOARD.
TURACOVERDINturacoverdin n. (Organic chemistry) A green pigment found in the feathers of the turacou.
TURACOVERDIN n. an iron-based pigment in turaco feathers, the only pure green pigment found in birds.
VARICOLOUREDvaricoloured adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of varicolored.
VARICOLOURED adj. of different colours, also VARICOLORED.
VIDEOGRAPHERvideographer n. Any person involved in the production of video material, but especially a person who uses a video camera.
VIDEOGRAPHER n. a practitioner of videography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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