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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing A, D, I, 2L, P and U

APPLAUDINGLYapplaudingly adv. In an applauding manner.
APPLAUDING adv. APPLAUD, to express approval by clapping the hands.
HYPERDULICALHYPERDULICAL adj. of or like hyperdulia, the veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary, also HYPERDULIC.
LAPIDICOLOUSlapidicolous adj. (Biology) That lives around or under rocks or stones.
LAPIDICOLOUS adj. living under stones.
LEUCOPLASTIDleucoplastid n. (Biology) A kind of unpigmented plastid involved in a wide range of essential biosynthetic functions.
LEUCOPLASTID n. a starch-forming body in protoplasm.
MULTIPLICANDmultiplicand n. (Arithmetic) A number that is to be multiplied by another (the multiplier).
MULTIPLICAND n. a number or amount to be multiplied.
PALUDICOLOUSpaludicolous adj. That lives in swamps or marshes.
PALUDICOLOUS adj. growing in marshes; marsh-dwelling.
PHILADELPHUSphiladelphus n. (Botany) Any of the genus Philadelphus of shrubs.
Philadelphus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hydrangeaceae – the mock oranges.
PHILADELPHUS n. a flowering shrub, aka mock orange.
PLATITUDINALplatitudinal adj. Characterized by banality or triteness.
PLATITUDINAL adj. of or like platitude, also PLATITUDINOUS.
POSTDILUVIALpostdiluvial adj. After the Biblical Flood.
POSTDILUVIAL adj. after the Flood.
PRUDENTIALLYprudentially adv. In a prudential manner.
PRUDENTIAL adv. of or relating to prudence, exercising good judgment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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