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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, D, 2I, 2L and P

DIOPTRICALLYdioptrically adv. In a dioptric manner.
DIOPTRICAL adv. transparent, also DIOPTRIC.
DIPLOBLASTICdiploblastic adj. (Biology) Having two embryonic germ layers (the ectoderm and the endoderm).
DIPLOBLASTIC adj. having ectoderm and endoderm but no mesoderm, as in coelenterates.
DIPLOMATICALdiplomatical adj. Dated form of diplomatic.
DIPLOMATICAL adj. relating to diplomacy, also DIPLOMATIC.
EPICYCLOIDALepicycloidal adj. Of or pertaining to an epicycloid.
EPICYCLOIDAL adj. of or like an epicycloid.
EPIDEMICALLYepidemically adv. In the manner of an epidemic.
epidemically adv. Regarding epidemics.
EPIDEMICAL adv. common to, or affecting at the same time, a large number in a community.
EPISODICALLYepisodically adv. In an episodic manner; in episodes.
EPISODICAL adv. pertaining to or contained in an episode, also EPISODAL, EPISODIAL, EPISODIC.
LAPIDICOLOUSlapidicolous adj. (Biology) That lives around or under rocks or stones.
LAPIDICOLOUS adj. living under stones.
LIPIDOPLASTSLIPIDOPLAST n. a small particle in plant cytoplasm, esp. that of seeds, in which fat is stored.
MAXILLIPEDESmaxillipedes n. Plural of maxillipede.
MAXILLIPEDE n. one of the mouth appendages of Crustacea, situated next behind the maxillae, also MAXILLIPED.
MULTIPLICANDmultiplicand n. (Arithmetic) A number that is to be multiplied by another (the multiplier).
MULTIPLICAND n. a number or amount to be multiplied.
PEDICELLARIApedicellaria n. (Biology) A small, stalk-shaped structure of the sea urchin and other echinoderms, which has three pincer-like…
PEDICELLARIA n. each of numerous organs like small pincers on the outside of an echinoderm.
PERIODICALLYperiodically adv. In a manner that is regular or periodic.
periodically adv. Intermittently or recurrently.
PERIODICAL adv. periodic.
PICCADILLIESPICCADILLY n. a high, stiff collar for the neck, also PICKADILLY.
PICCADILLOESPICCADILLO n. (Spanish) a traditional Mexican dish of ground meat, tomatoes etc, also PICADILLO, PICKADILLO.
PICKADILLIESPICKADILLY n. a cut or vandyked edging, esp. to a woman's collar, also PICCADILLY, PICKADIL.
PICKADILLOESPICKADILLO n. (Spanish) a traditional Mexican dish of ground meat, tomatoes etc, also PICADILLO, PICCADILLO.
PLATITUDINALplatitudinal adj. Characterized by banality or triteness.
PLATITUDINAL adj. of or like platitude, also PLATITUDINOUS.
POSTDILUVIALpostdiluvial adj. After the Biblical Flood.
POSTDILUVIAL adj. after the Flood.
PRIMORDIALLYprimordially adv. In a primordial manner.
primordially adv. With regard to a primordium.
PRIMORDIAL adv. original, rudimentary.
SEPTICIDALLYsepticidally adv. (Botany) In a septicidal manner.
SEPTICIDAL adv. with splitting of septa, as when a fruit dehisces by separation of the carpels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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