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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, D, 3I, L and P

AMPHIDIPLOIDamphidiploid adj. (Genetics) Having a diploid set of chromosomes from each of its parents.
amphidiploid n. (Biology) Such an organism.
AMPHIDIPLOID n. a hybrid having a complete diploid chromosome set from each parent.
BIPEDALITIESBIPEDALITY n. the state of being bipedal, having two legs.
DILAPIDATINGdilapidating v. Present participle of dilapidate.
DILAPIDATE v. to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin.
DILAPIDATIONdilapidation n. The state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined.
dilapidation n. (Law) The act of dilapidating, damaging a building or structure through neglect or intentionally.
dilapidation n. (Britain, law) Ecclesiastical waste: impairing of church property by an incumbent, through neglect or intentionally.
DISCIPLINANTdisciplinant n. One who subjects themselves to a certain discipline.
disciplinant n. (Historical) A member of an order of Spanish flagellants.
DISCIPLINANT n. a person who subjects themselves to a discipline, esp. one of an order of Spanish flagellants.
DISCIPLINARYdisciplinary adj. Having to do with discipline, or with the imposition of discipline.
disciplinary adj. For the purpose of imposing punishment.
disciplinary adj. Of or relating to an academic field of study.
DUPABILITIESDUPABILITY n. the ability to be duped.
EPIDEICTICALepideictical adj. Alternative form of epideictic.
EPIDEICTICAL adj. done for show or display, also EPIDEICTIC.
IMPERIALISEDimperialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of imperialise.
IMPERIALISE v. to make imperial, also IMPERIALIZE.
IMPERIALIZEDimperialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of imperialize.
IMPERIALIZE v. to make imperial.
PICCADILLIESPICCADILLY n. a high, stiff collar for the neck, also PICKADILLY.
PICKADILLIESPICKADILLY n. a cut or vandyked edging, esp. to a woman's collar, also PICCADILLY, PICKADIL.
PINNATIFIDLYPINNATIFID adv. of leaves, pinnately cut roughly halfway down.
PREDIALITIESPREDIALITY n. the quality of being predial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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