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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, D, G, M, 2N and R

DARRAIGNMENTDARRAIGNMENT n. the act of darraigning.
DERAIGNMENTSDERAIGNMENT n. the act of deraigning.
DERANGEMENTSderangements n. Plural of derangement.
DERANGEMENT n. the act of deranging.
DERMAPLANINGdermaplaning n. The exfoliation of the skin by means of a scalpel.
DERMAPLANING n. a cosmetic treatment, often used to treat acne scars, in which surface irregularities are surgically scraped to give the skin a smoother appearance.
ENDANGERMENTendangerment n. The act of putting someone into danger, or the condition of being in danger.
endangerment n. (Law) The exposure of someone, especially a child, to danger or harm.
ENDANGERMENT n. the act of endangering.
GORMANDISINGgormandising v. Present participle of gormandise.
GORMANDISING n. indulging in food to excess.
GORMANDIZINGgormandizing v. Present participle of gormandize.
gormandizing n. The act of one who gormandizes.
GORMANDIZING n. indulging in food to excess, also GORMANDISING.
MANSPREADINGmanspreading n. (Informal, derogatory) The practice of men splaying their legs open wide when sitting on public transport…
manspreading v. Present participle of manspread.
MANSPREADING n. the practice by a male passenger on public transport of sitting with his legs wide apart, so denying space to passengers beside him.
MEANDERINGLYmeanderingly adv. In a meandering or winding manner.
NURSEMAIDINGnursemaiding v. Present participle of nursemaid.
NURSEMAID v. to look after as a nursemaid.
REMAINDERINGremaindering v. Present participle of remainder.
REMAINDER v. to sell as a remainder.
REPRIMANDINGreprimanding v. Present participle of reprimand.
REPRIMAND v. to scold, censure.
UNDERGARMENTundergarment n. Any garment worn underneath others, especially one worn next to the skin; an item of underwear.
undergarment n. (Religion, in the plural) Temple garments worn by the followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
UNDERGARMENT n. any article of clothing worn under another, esp. that worn next to the skin.
UNDERMANNINGundermanning v. Present participle of underman.
UNDERMANNING n. the state of not having enough employees.
UNDERMEANINGundermeaning n. An underlying or hidden meaning.
UNDERMEANING n. a hidden meaning.
UNGERMINATEDungerminated adj. Not having germinated.
UNGERMINATED adj. not germinated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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